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Careful Now

poem by Nemo Nemees

Careful now be careful of where your stepping the ice is thin my dear don't ask about daddy don't ask of why he gave you ibuprofen instead of you ADHD meds don't ask of why there is so many beer cans in the recycling... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

We change like the seasons. So unsure of who we are and even more so of what we want. One moment, we are elated, the next desolate. Unable to determine what has led us on this craze infused path. In love, its glory consumes us, our he... Read more

period cramps

poem by Emma C

my stomach's cramping up, i don't even wanna have babies so my pain is pointless--fuck. where's god when you need her? my youth's passing by in one big blur while i sit on the couch and think about how famous i'm going to be ... Read more

Divina Poetica

poem by Julius Brian Cruz

It’s not too long, when darkness consumed my soul. Cause to live is hollow, nothing but a gaping hole. Tried to paint dreams, but of no purpose, no known hope. A world of blind puppets, both fake and controlled. See the... Read more


poem by Valerie Russon

Why oh why do you look at me like that I know i am no oil painting Like the one that see over there. But you see i like to show my feelings The bright colors that makes you stand and stare That makes you glow. The different sh... Read more

The New Look

poem by Gerry Legister

Your hair gathered in creamy layered, Mirror into style where the wind rose, With liquid gold comb brightly flared, Today embraces the color you choose. Where your beauty goes with the glow, Flapping in royalty reigns, we can... Read more

I Know About You

poem by Jay Shades

Where do we start? Am often cautious of insiders in my team moving insidiously. Maybe it's because your so close to me You also know enough about me to put me in a place, not of my choice Alas, I am dumbfounded with many of your... Read more

It Approaches

poem by John Prophet

As the  singularity  draws near, I look on with  trepidation. What lies beyond i do not know. A technological marvel some say, Nirvana it will be. Others say a dystopian future awaits. No one knows for sure! ... Read more


poem by Joey Oso

Have you ever heard of someone my mind races on, who can play 4d checkers? my thoughts are gone do we have dimensions? everything is grey, or it's your lack of attention? everyone is a frayd Read more

Deep- ish

poem by Robert Kohlhammer

The grass is wet but it is only my deep feet that make me aware of my hands with no pockets.  The grass made way for footprints running, towards a lady who was dog walking, looking.   My first glancing chance makes no pass fo... Read more

Urban fox

poem by Robert Kohlhammer

In the windshield of moon ice scrapers as an urban fox made a meal from plastic plates, cups and flying saucers the firey racing of a siren the reddish brush of a coat of fur the blue breath as slippery as a fingernail on an o... Read more

A Spark

poem by N H

Bright; iridescent Trapped in a feeling A spark, ignited A glimmer in the dark Evolving; inconsistent Slowly moving The spark, now animated Making its mark Light; intermittent Tranquil, but never fading Flickers till it'... Read more

I Long To Know

poem by Ms. Micki

Would you recognize me passed my olive skin and hazel eyes? Could you see through my skin? Where we once knew each other Can you see the past lives in my eyes? Would my scent confuse our history? Where time was boundless and I wa... Read more


poem by Nairobi's Poetry

Our hands intertwine To connect more than our hands To connect out minds And our spirits Read more

Let Me Sleep

poem by Julius Brian Cruz

The curtains shall fall, as well as the fading night. Sleep makes a call, yet preoccupied by peerless sight. Beneath these empty halls, trickles a ray of light. The zenith of beauty, the endless darkness of the night. . . Behind... Read more


poem by dan miltz

Being and becoming are creations Of indispensable creative imaginations No being is, yet as it is perceived Needing to be seen to be retrieved Infinite as nothing, fixed as numbers Eternal insofar as one remembers © daniel mi... Read more

Storm Coming

poem by dan miltz

Wind spit come a down in buckets Abiding in solemn Scotch mists Components of an overwhelming tempest Seek shelter before thrash out Or dance under the rain chuck down © daniel miltz Read more

Beetling Effigy

poem by dan miltz

In Mexican Isla de las Muñecas Spirits are a sway Into sobbing island, midway Green terrain, outstay Hanging dolls, clanging On mantled, sky high, racking Most shockingly, unearthly Ghastly hairy, extremely, scary Their eyeb... Read more

Bones Lay

poem by dan miltz

Back age of brute creation 'n herbage beholders Hominoids have stayed for bodiless years Jumbled brains on battered shoulders With rash of lacking space frontiers On brief planet lay all the bone souvenirs For countless, cove... Read more

Leaf Falling

poem by dan miltz

In stormy backwoods Windy wail in huff 'n puff Thus, no leaves rustling Tumbling to the drizzle ground Desolate leaf settle down © daniel miltz Read more