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Trees and Sages f...

poem by Jojo Luis

Being amongst tall redwoods, they are like the Halls of Life. Columnar, majestic, sages. A branch swings, with what the wind brings. They have so much to teach us, and they are more than their rings. "Wooden" you know it, that... Read more

A spirit

poem by jeannine kahzarian

It's a spirit like no other and the void feels real. Believing a destiny for greatness when destiny swoons around. Read more

Delutions of Happ...

poem by Hayzel Fountes

Having a Habromania is nothing but having Fallacy, Making yourself a Luciform into Trumpery is like making yourself a Ritual to the pointless... Delusions of Happiness are nothing but Mixtures of; Your Praiseworthy aspect... Read more

A Blooming Flower

poem by Seymour Wilsfarrow

The flowers start to bloom this time of year An occasion for the rise of Spring The time to grow, to love The flower shows us a beauty that we thrive for in ourselves But as time goes on the flower wilts The beauty fades, the lov... Read more

Catastrophic Conc...

poem by Mark Moon

I don't know what I deserve I don't know much about anything I don't know how in the face of desolation I will swirve. I guess I will hope for something I guess I will take my hands off the wheel I guess I will wait for anyth... Read more

Paul Mall, age 15

poem by Mark Moon

Ash tells a story, Corruption of Ballymorey, Innocence dead. Read more

Spa Days

poem by Mark Moon

Red, screams and broken bouquets, all bring peace to me. To see disaster makes it worth the while I’ll sit and indulge on what could be. The pain, the tears, truly, the Lily of the Nile. Read more


poem by Mark Moon

Motivated by a pernicious superstition, Blood flows thick but money thicker, What is the mission ? Drowned out by the ocean of liquor. Cure the sick, impoverished, us high achievers Cure the mind of those non-believers, Calcut... Read more

The Sound Of Hea...

poem by Jay Shades

I will say yes oh yes To your will to your ways Waited sò long for my comeuppance Prayed for doors to be opened Exhausted by being racially knocked back And still the rain never came . I see everything Having to explai... Read more

Someone I don't t...

poem by Hazel Frost

Eyes can't shine unless there's something bright shimmering behind, The tears I cry illuminate my pathway towards a land of hope I wish to find. The silence of nights contrasting the chaos of my mind, Lost in memories, I left my ... Read more


poem by Q. Ramirez

To frolic with the wind to call her mistress A divinity must be involved so as to become one together If there is love The summer breeze and winter chills If hate the tempest The hurricanes, tornadoes Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Why did your guardian had to make demands on my heart? The heart speaks only of love its language international. I knew myself and saw me as a man with wondrous gift. My love a burning fire a hundred streams could not quench. ... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

They wanted a new king to sit him up on a puppet throne All they got was an old king that went on digging up bones Never mind they say we can control him just pull his strings His strings were all but broken the puppet man had a... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Home for them is a nest for two Two turtle doves living in a shoe A Sparrow knock upon their door Saying good folks I am going to war The birds chuckle with much delight Saying to Sparrow war that’s not right Friend you... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Search my soul oh Lord and let me be Concreted Lord to thee When thou call me my bones stand to attention and not sleep The wicked shall try but in vain no rest has given until that great day Early in the morning, I search your gl... Read more

Styling Idenity o...

poem by Gerry Legister

The history we have inherited from. Centuries of art are not accurate. But a commercial brand to sell the things they create. Much has been made. Of historical reconstruction. Most of the truth has faded. Leaving total con... Read more

I Love You

poem by David P Carroll

My heart Beats for you and I'm so in love With you and every day Just listen to my heart Beat it's Beating I Love You.. © 2020 David P Carroll Poems. Read more

I was Paper

poem by Nemo Nemees

I was paper, Bright and new, crisp and fresh, then came you. Darkened lines, and pencil marks, i was paper, bright and new, crisp and fresh, then came you. harsh blown winds, and wet cold rain. I was paper, bri... Read more

Dream-Cloaked Pro...

poem by Ava Grace

It was a fantasy, a hateful dream. Like ashes of another time. Kingdoms and war I was crowned with blood in my throne of corspes· their rotten doom is stinking still Power tends to birth a veil, and in its shadow I fe... Read more