Browse by Anger all

With my son

poem by Andrew Dietrich

My son its getting late I'm sorry I've been doubtful but These hospitals won't determine your fate You will play just as hard as your siblings Take care of her my son Daddy can only ponder on what's going on Daddy can only st... Read more

Green light

poem by Andrew Dietrich

I see the green light Its the only hope I ever get That to those important they won't forget I see the green light I try with all my might I can't speak I get weak When I see the green light My heart gets tight When I see ... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

They can put their hand on my shoulder The pain and anger carries over Family isn't making this go away Not like she could back in the day. Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

OH BOY LOOK THE SUN IS OUT What is everyone smiling about My mind is getting filled with doubt Will he ever get out What if I can't be there If the bad things happen. Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

Your beats don't match mine or hers Yours like to beat in not twos but thirds We knew you'd struggle we wanted you no matter what we heard. Daddies weight is low sometimes words get a little slurd. Its hard keeping stuff down dad... Read more

For a second

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

You're supposed to be here But nope You want to hurt me And now I'm here This shit is scary alone Yet I can't take your tone Can't take the pain It's honestly less stress Although I'm scared It's less stress Just ... Read more

May 1st

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Welcome back I knew you were coming You never keep me waiting Hearing each footstep as you neared Not even bothering to turn I know who it is You never fail Turning up Making everything dull. I can't run from you Ca... Read more

Ill Remember You

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I don't like you I love you But I don't like you I see you slipping Seen it coming Wanted to be wrong But I see it. Your babies need you It's sad my babies can't see you I hate it. You're leaving them again You don... Read more

The Sixth Command...

poem by Mark Moon

What is enough ? Define it, I dare you to try, It’s hard, It’s classified. Defining is hard to define, Indulging, engulfing , enforcing. What is hope ? Please share. Read more

Gaudium et spes d...

poem by Mark Moon

Children, the beacons of hope, Delightful, one positive trope, Honesty, that’s how to cope, Morality, a slippery slope, Redacted, sealed in an envelope, Imparity, wash it away with soap, Optimism, look through the telesco... Read more


poem by Mark Moon

Motivated by a pernicious superstition, Blood flows thick but money thicker, What is the mission ? Drowned out by the ocean of liquor. Cure the sick, impoverished, us high achievers Cure the mind of those non-believers, Calcut... Read more

The Sound Of Hea...

poem by Jay Shades

I will say yes oh yes To your will to your ways Waited sò long for my comeuppance Prayed for doors to be opened Exhausted by being racially knocked back And still the rain never came . I see everything Having to explai... Read more

Shadow People

poem by Matthew Ramsden

"They" are just a manifestation of us. just a shadow of the collective. People choose what they are willing to accept. Fear is no excuse a lie you tell yourself For comfort or ease or sedative sleep. Ordinary men one step at a ... Read more

My Wrath

poem by Jeanne E

I must be slow to anger I must control myself My flesh screams otherwise My flesh wants to rage What happened to my spirit? What happened to it's voice? Breaking into absence As if it never existed The more I stay The mor... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I banged and banged Rattling the whole house Trying to save her The door shook It rattled It wouldn't give I begged I pleaded I threatened "Open the door"" "Please, not again!" "Please" Drowning in my tears as I sc... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Who am I to judge another oh no not I please tell them mother? You taught me right I fought to do the right with all my might. I sit in judgement of another making decisions I dare not blunder. We do wrong to each other some wr... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Come and listen to a story about a man my father no doubt To market to market to buy some fresh fish to market I say And the sailor home from the sea spread his catch on the bay Fish for sale penny for a pound of fish ten pennies h... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

The voice of the Lord came to me in the inner most depth of my soul; I was too busy with hate to recognize it too drunk with bitter anger to care. Ten years had I struggle for glory ten years had I toil or so I was told, Anguished and... Read more


poem by alexis karpouzos

Look, for once the face of the earth, look, one life in every seed self sacrificed for us, look the sun, shines in us, look the river, flow through us, look the flowers, bloom in our bodies, every fiber and cell of the subs... Read more

Your Eyes...

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Your eyes brought me love A connection of souls The sense of security They glistened with motivation Bright with excitement But Something hidden There was no worries But Those eyes Exposed something terrifying... Read more