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poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Sitting alone in the dark Staring at the same spots Lost in these thoughts Hoping to feel a spark Remembering all the pain Letting it take over Dragging me even lower How can i maintain? I think about the kids Their smil... Read more

left almost alone

poem by Malin Christine

Why do I feel so brave all the sudden Why do my beloved anxiety leave me behind when it feels like it What happened with “stay away from people at all times, you can’t trust them” Why do I wanna go on dates with ... Read more

The Lioness Girl

poem by Katie Lodge

The Lioness Girl tosses her hair with Heavy passion and pride Her competitive boldness and confidence Makes people shrink into the corners On either side Her bold character which she Has molded herself into Over the years C... Read more

Love Me

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

You weren't suppose to hit me You weren't suppose to scratch me You weren't suppose to call me names You weren't suppose to accuse me You were suppose to love me Give me a hug and a pat on the head Call me your daughter And... Read more

Kneel feels 7 in ...

poem by Jay Shades

Staring into the darkness thinking I can find something there. Minds doing overtime knowing I don't have long left. Necessity is the mother of invention and right now I have a catalyst to change the way I have gone about things .... Read more

The Good One

poem by Adhunika Sharma

I am done being the good one Saying yes to everything they want Saying no to everything they don’t want For Once, I want to be free I want to be me But guilt takes over it every time For being nice, you are taken for gran... Read more


poem by Miss Ann Ominous

I cry when I’m seething Get mad for no reason I cry when I’m feeling Sad past or present evil A childhood stolen by a mother Who never loved just but signed up another I cry with good reason. Hands washed with... Read more

Coronavirus Poem ...

poem by David P Carroll

Our lives have changed Like never before I can't hug Or kiss my beautiful mother like before Sadness in her eyes as my sick Elderly father cry's watching the tears Roll down my Auntie's eye's Mrs Carroll She's 100 crying every ... Read more


poem by Kim Bond

Sick and tired of this life Crying doesn't help the pain Running away is always an option Escaping all the problems Allowing me to have a chance Making me feel happy again. At times when I feel angry, alone or sad All I want ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .


Witte Proviton Yi...

poem by Sxisha Prafa Dia

Ieotan Witte Prøvoto propin dusco Prø spak "Oculfarank, Yürlon međti malvur" Prø spak "Duscol Velshan međti ei balvur" Velsh međti reflig Witte Prøvoto Ieotan Witte Prøvoto sikhal dusco Saicala alt... Read more

White Man's Hypoc...

poem by Sxisha Prafa Dia

When the White Men first met us He said "Green Men, your actions are evil" He told us "Do as we do and it will be good" So we did as the White Men did Then the White Men returned Seeming to have changed His Mind He said "Green... Read more

Save lives...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"JUST DON'T GO OUT! lives...STAY IN! Use COMMON SENSE!...stay home with your kin. It's now a PANDEMIC!...thousands of LIVES ARE BEING LOST! Stay home with your loved ones...THINK OF THE COST! Pray for the NHS workers, riski... Read more

Psalmic Lament

poem by Rhys Lee

I’ve known You all my life, dedicating my life to the church and Your name. I’ve been devout, always proclaiming Your name in my life, claiming that I follow You at all times and in all my ways, and I know I should... Read more

Division in Affec...

poem by Rhys Lee

When beginning, you separate the chaos, giving and creating function to bring order to the bedlam, bestowing purpose to the purposeless. And when beginning, you don’t want to think of an ending, hoping that what you cr... Read more

Writer's Block

poem by Danielle Heine

Tryin’ to stifle my creativity, you’re driving me crazy Like some mad scientist shot up with rabies, experimentin’ on babies Handin’ our scabies Tellin’ me to stay calm, but where is the safety? ... Read more


poem by Geoffrey Heath Price

The whole world is burning If it is not pouring rain And for this global destruction It is man that's to blame. The ice caps are melting At a hell of a rate The great polar bears Have no clue of their fate. Whilst man sits a... Read more

All That Was Lost

poem by SpikeFox 87

All That Was Lost SVH I'm tired of trying, tired of crying Deep down inside you knew I've been dying Im honest with you, I'm not even lying But my dedication to you was the only thing you're fighting I loved your face, I loved... Read more

Blind Encounters

poem by Antoinette Pringle

Invaders or derelict in lost galaxies Rumaging through garbage cans And trash heaps, One giant leap Towards the ruins of humanity One domino called outcast will Unleash a blast of the bones hidden in closets. Some know it w... Read more