Browse by Anger all


poem by Edgy Boiii

with each cleave of his skin to make a scar that not even time will mend straining against time you thrash unhindered i gleefully slash as you are picked apart skin and bone you hope to see the chance to atone my fun should nev... Read more


poem by Edgy Boiii

Sleep an eternity of life Yet to live with your eyes closed Their problem to them unknown Until they find their hidden strife Some will wish to see yet they won't For awakening can not be taught Read more


poem by Dakota Iris

I am chaotic, An indescribable mess of highs and lows. Smiles and laughs, screams and cries. My skin tells my stories. Angel kisses and imperfect pores. freckles and scars. Love and lashes. My skin is a page, my mind is the bo... Read more

What motivates me

poem by Epolfi Ticance

You ask me what motivates me For my entire life, I have always felt of place Everyday, I feel this way Like a fish out of water gasping for air I am surprised I have survived this long without air You ask me what motivates me... Read more

contradictions pt...

poem by shelly writes

sitting here, contradicting my every thought with the truth.. but contradicting ..still. i cant lie about how true it is too say that the quietness i hear right now is loud enough to take your hearing away. deafening...for how long?? ... Read more


poem by David P Carroll

When she left I almost died I cried... I fell on the floor... Like never before, I'll never be the same Again since you walked Out the door..... © 2020 David P Carroll..... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Cries echo off the walls. Thoughts bounce through my head There is so much noise, yet too much silence Surrounded by people, yet I'm so lonely What has become of me? Read more

there's still a s...

poem by Ikaros

there’s a scream stuck in my throat lives behind the picket fence of my gritted teeth (I’ve always breathed through it drowned ever since) and the scream like a poltergeist destroys everything t... Read more

I Truly Love You

poem by David P Carroll

I dreamt of you last night, Touching your face, Kissing you softly Holding you tightly, as the day goes on I see you in my mind Your smiling as I'm kissing you, Laughting, Your in my arms you'll forever be, today and tomorro... Read more


poem by Lilith Sunpetal

You were the one I turned to In the darkness of my mind Even when I didn't know what to do You always helped me unwind. Now I'm lost and spiraling down I've let my emotions go to town I'm not sure how to pull myself out You a... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

I'm in love with a faceless man who talks about the stars As if they weren't so far away. I'm in love with a man Who I never met. Who I never spoke to. Who I never heard Or seen. I'm in love with a stranger. I'm in love w... Read more


poem by Mister Rotten

I attempt to belong as a hunter, someone standing apart from your entity, to restrain tautological blunders; yield myself to the sedative’s lenity. I attempt to belong as a seeker, be of significance on my own right, but c... Read more

What road are the...

poem by Christopher Russon

Let's hope this storm blows over It is looking rather bad It's really so alarming When nations get raging mad. It only takes one foolish move And all we need is one Lives could be in Danger And our planet could be gone. Lo... Read more

The Last Time

poem by James Dicus

This is the last time. I held on long after it was over. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months. I hoped there was still something there, I was wrong. I was slowly killing myself. I thought the suffering would be worth it in the... Read more

The beginning

poem by Nemo Nemees

This world Was created when Two others collided. Creating a feathery mess of fire As angles burned their wings And learned the love in hate. As demons came along And saw the pain in beauty. We are the outcome of a disaster... Read more

Home. Part Two

poem by Nemo Nemees

The window is open. The air smells, Of lavender. No, Of lilacs. Your favorite flowers, Were lilacs. That's why, we planted them. You loved them. It seams , As though everything, In here, Becomes you somehow. I can't... Read more

Home. Part One

poem by Nemo Nemees

The walls, Are closing in. This room, is shrinking. The air, is thinning. The life, is dying. My heart, is breaking. And I, am lonely. .... I keep my window, open. I let the air, sing. I watch others, from a ... Read more

anger is a prison

poem by krista

Here I am Sitting in the corner of this prison cell Wondering what time is it already? For I don't have a clue I haven't heard the tick of a clock for so long Nor I haven't seen one. How many years has it been? I couldn't recal... Read more

Dead Flies

poem by Nemo Nemees

Words are complicated. often I find myself wanting to explain, The troubles I'm going through, The troubles your a part of. I often want to understand, I often want to explain, What it is you do to me. But all I manage, Is a ... Read more

Sweet Dreams

poem by Jennifer Drake

Leaking, oozing, she's dizzy, she's wet, her entire face. WARNING! As she begins to fall, air stinging the burn in her face. HERE COMES ANOTHER.. She screams "NO!" -"NO BEGGING! IT'S TO LATE!!". WHACK....... oozing, she's weak,... Read more