Browse by Anger all


poem by Darren Brown

I have brought this sin you seek. And I think you know it makes me weak, To see you falling from above Carrying what you seem to love There is a role I seek To slay the demons, protect the meek. Against my will, it comes thro... Read more

The World We Live...

poem by Elara Mayhem

The world is too small for all those people to fit , Who won't admit the crimes they commit ! They smile to attract, but everything's a lucid act! Oh! I can see through the disguise they enact . It's ugly, to see how they act so... Read more


poem by Asha dare

Beneath my hollow bones, I feel so much unwanted, undeserved pain. I spend each and every long drawn out day feeling like I have nothing to gain. Distress, despair and disappointment all as clear as can be. Oh why, oh why, oh why d... Read more

What is my purpose

poem by Asha dare

Why am I here, what is my purpose. The future is near, my bones feel nervous! I try to talk but my lips are sealed, how long must I wait for these scars to be healed. It's on the tip of my tounge, but the words won't come ou... Read more


poem by Reeves

Without any sort of plan, an also-ran, my inconsideration is paramount, but at least everything is reserved, and we will get what we deserved. Perhaps he should have been more gracious, instead of being so audacious, what can ... Read more

Oh Moon

poem by Eden Button

Oh moon, how I miss thee Your light no longer shines upon me The world is blistering and bleary For without you my heart is dreary The moment I saw you flicker I felt my heart beat quicker I saw your moonlight shining bright Bl... Read more

THE 'DEAL'....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Life is a gift, so embrace it and live, love is an emotion, so don't be afraid to give. Hate is a cancer, that grows deep down inside, revenge is so sweet when delivered to a snide. So when your "clock" is unwinding, and life's a... Read more

Corroded Percepti...

poem by Roze

Corroded perceptions occupying dull imaginations meandering around imprisoned revenant Others perhaps see failure, expectations turning to rage Satan stalks the depressed, either she will be remembered or overtly forsaken wat... Read more

of me

poem by stephanie odom

at the end of the day you were the reason why our paths will no longer stay on the same journey and cry because you are the one that lost though my soul is failing your love will be no more of a cost and I will be sailing ... Read more

Mr, and Mrs...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Mr Happy, and Mr Angry, lived strangely side by side, they shared the same earthly Dr Jekyll, and Mr Hyde. Every now, and then it would start with a tremor, and a slight nervy twitch, suddenly Mr Angry would appear, li... Read more

We'll all pay the...

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Economic Nationalism Environmental Nihilism Advocate for your country's "Economic Interests" While recklessly plundering the Earth. In the short run, Some people make money. In the long run, We'll all pay the price. Read more

Hell on Earth

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

I age, But I am not a "respected elder". Just an aging, Bald man, Incapable of giving a beautiful woman That treasured orgasm she desires. The Earth becomes more desiccated Natural resources are becoming more limited. People ... Read more

Worship of Suffer...

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Global Warming Trivializes all human endeavors. What is the point of life? To serve the Economy even it this Economy destroys the Earth? When there is Environmental Devastation, What will result? More Scarcity. More Poverty. W... Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

As one ages, One becomes increasingly detached from the world, But This isn't the same as being detached From God. Humanity is a cursed species. We've thrown the biosphere out of balance, Making it impossible for most of the sim... Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

The Grammy Award nominees Attempt to reassure the youth that, Despite all the destruction occurring in the world, "Everything is gonna' be all right". I have no such reassurance For ANYONE. Our Civilization is on An unsustainab... Read more

Strange Bedfellows

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Most recently, The "Right Wing" President of the United States, Donald Trump, Has claimed solidarity with the "Yellow-Vest Movement" in France, Many of whom identify themselves As "Left Wingers". Trump says that these protests ... Read more

Will there be any...

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Nationalism Militarism Preparations for war, But will there be anything left to fight over When the animosity can't be contained Any longer? Read more

Winter Solitude

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Solitude becomes agreeable. My plants provide More of my emotional needs Than people are willing to. With people, There is always a negotiation To connect with them. Though it is said That the Feminine Aspect will someday pr... Read more

The Night's body

poem by Talal Uddin

Today,the night's body has become the babylon/ It doesn't have that fame/ Neither the harmonic song sang by a singer/Drummer/ Mandira's tung tung/That came through ether from the jalsha song/ Nor/ The bubble tumble of Nagan babu/Drink... Read more

The happiness of ...

poem by Talal Uddin

Crocodile's teeth/ Will sit on your feet/While running on/ The happiness of Sansaara does not last long/Yours sufferings will only be yours sufferings/Like the torment of the grave/No one else will listen/ And it goes on and on/The ha... Read more