Browse by Confused all


poem by Andrew Dietrich

We planned for you to be born From my arms torn I planned that ring And now I feel like a used up thing I thought the whole day with you son Just two hours guess its better than one In reality I don't know what time you have lef... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

So many things to be talked about So many changes So much time has passed I'm gassed I miss my boy I miss my flame My mind is spinning again and again. Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

They said the medication was a good cushion They said at one point you wouldn't even need medication No type of meditation helps What do we do? What do we do? Baby boy... my flame.... what do we do.... Read more

Louisiana Saturd...

poem by Andrew Dietrich

I brought you to my hollowed ground Where the red cheeked Andrew played around I brought you to my hollowed ground Where my great great grandmothers soul watched and smiled down I brought you to my hollowed ground Where wild mag... Read more

Seven pounds

poem by Andrew Dietrich

That movie always struck a nerve A jellyfish is how he was undone I call you little jellyfish my son What does it mean? Daddies heart is too big We have to hope for a savior a hero a little kid. Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

The word echos in my mind What else is there for them to find Sanity is slowly starting to unwind Even if its good then For how long? Letting him go just because he is strong Four walls smiles and high-fives How is that affectin... Read more

With my son

poem by Andrew Dietrich

My son its getting late I'm sorry I've been doubtful but These hospitals won't determine your fate You will play just as hard as your siblings Take care of her my son Daddy can only ponder on what's going on Daddy can only st... Read more

Green light

poem by Andrew Dietrich

I see the green light Its the only hope I ever get That to those important they won't forget I see the green light I try with all my might I can't speak I get weak When I see the green light My heart gets tight When I see ... Read more

I'm scared

poem by Andrew Dietrich

Things no parent should have to do To outlive you child? Thats cruel. With relasations closing in I call my grandma. How did you do it When my uncle did it How did you push through life Her answer cliché the other babies Ba... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Implanted yourself in my mind so deep I don't hear your voice Or see you But I am still walking on eggshells Still scared and worried Like you've created your own voice in my head How is that even possible I'm free from your... Read more

The Real You

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I guess I never met you Because I didn't marry you I married my Safe haven My Best friend Yet Some creature was lurking beneath Waiting for a vulnerable moment to jump It jumped more than once But I ... Read more

Catastrophic Conc...

poem by Mark Moon

I don't know what I deserve I don't know much about anything I don't know how in the face of desolation I will swirve. I guess I will hope for something I guess I will take my hands off the wheel I guess I will wait for anyth... Read more

Internal Battle

poem by Jeanne E

It feels good to move It feels good to be me I love the way I look I love the way I am For only I can be me Beautifully unique I see those around me I see others I see peers A wave of envy flows within It grows immensel... Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

I don't know if I'm where I think I am I fell asleep in the shower and I don't recall waking up I'm in my room, but I can still hear running water I go to the bathroom to check But the shower is off and I am alone Reality is no... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Lock away the pain Hide the hurt Stash the tears Just Smile It'll go away It will All Go Away. Smile. So they won't see. Smile Don't let them know Smile. Just Fucking Smile. ... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

When it hits It hits Not even giving you a chance Falling down down Down How to resurface? To emerge from the Never ending Hole? A cut back to reality? A drink? A smoke? Cant do that.. How do I climb out? How do I ... Read more

We Are Lego

poem by Tony matthews

Lego by Lego, Brick by Brick. Human beings, We are like Lego’s. As we grow, Assembled are we. Life, emotions, thoughts, and identity, How does all this go together? We can be in pieces, But Does this mean we are... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Your face has stained my mind Not you smiling Not you laughing But You looking at me ...With disgust My words didn't matter My actions didn't either I gave my all You didn't even notice Even though you're gone You sti... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I banged and banged Rattling the whole house Trying to save her The door shook It rattled It wouldn't give I begged I pleaded I threatened "Open the door"" "Please, not again!" "Please" Drowning in my tears as I sc... Read more

Dear Valentine

poem by Anthony Blake

You hide & I seek Your love is my kryptonite Your whisper lingers Love that's meant to be What was meant to be, twisted Twisted into fate Read more