Browse by Confused all


poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

he wanted to give as much as he received in equal measure as he received all that is and all was what he wanted to give to it_ all from the flower and from the bee from the light and the green shade from her arms and th... Read more

to be a hero

poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

to be a hero is the genius of one moment endevour that slides in the dullnes of the price not sacrificed to; to conquer the sillines that envelopes the illusions of every gesture meaning is one life achievement tha... Read more


poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

Sweet moon cuddle me gently in your light tonight; may your petals fall on the shivering lake and be a pillow for my troubled eyes; may the scents of the sleeping flowers give a shelter to my exhaled fears. The da... Read more


poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

he saw her on the tram on his way home he was heated by memories that sped him up to ride on a way that would be far from hers; yet he slowed to see the windows of the tram as with all the trams he has always passed by ... Read more


poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

woman in the supermarket knocks at the watermallon asking for fruitfull meal where seeds stain the smiles of friends red water flows in the blood she has gathered; worker in her smoking breack pufs the smoke with i... Read more

one year has gone

poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

when i asked you about your feelings you did not hear the voices that i was hiding myself from_ voices that revive in memories of moments we never came to share; i live among the ghosts of witdrawn wishes of ali... Read more

The beginning

poem by Nemo Nemees

This world Was created when Two others collided. Creating a feathery mess of fire As angles burned their wings And learned the love in hate. As demons came along And saw the pain in beauty. We are the outcome of a disaster... Read more

Home. Part Two

poem by Nemo Nemees

The window is open. The air smells, Of lavender. No, Of lilacs. Your favorite flowers, Were lilacs. That's why, we planted them. You loved them. It seams , As though everything, In here, Becomes you somehow. I can't... Read more

Subtle we muddle ...

poem by Horace Edmunds

Dare to fight the bounds which might quickly appear to bind you. Don't try to lick the lunatic which always stays behind you. So, just deserves, before she swerves to quicken Every lesson, bound for the beach that was Once out of... Read more

Dead Flies

poem by Nemo Nemees

Words are complicated. often I find myself wanting to explain, The troubles I'm going through, The troubles your a part of. I often want to understand, I often want to explain, What it is you do to me. But all I manage, Is a ... Read more


poem by Jessica Gussman

Believe in what you pray for. Read more


poem by Jessica Gussman

A journey cut short Long hugs before the sunsets. This time forever. Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

I was best friends with the moon. He told me stories about the stars. He told me how they saved him. from the all loneliness. He says only he can hear them. He says that its his gift. He says that they tell him of who they u... Read more

I don't

poem by Nemo Nemees

Sometimes, The sun gives me headaches. And although I need, To absorb the endless, possibilities, That spring air brings, I dont. Because I hate my headaches. Sometimes, Waking up, Makes me sad. And although I need, To ... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

There is only so much I can take I am too tired to try and process my emotions. And I know that tonight it will show in my dreams Just as it did last Read more


poem by Stacey Harper

I pack my heart in a box And the bottom will leak Find Truth in myself But honesty wreaks If I altar my actions It's not my words that will speak Words said in the past are flaky But what makes the future so sleek? Even if I... Read more

I'll See


What if I don't want to be obvious? Lies can catch up to you. I think we're all kids at heart, that's why I still laugh at unnecessary squawking I wonder if they'll remember that while they crucify me Some people think the... Read more

The World We Live...

poem by Elara Mayhem

The world is too small for all those people to fit , Who won't admit the crimes they commit ! They smile to attract, but everything's a lucid act! Oh! I can see through the disguise they enact . It's ugly, to see how they act so... Read more


poem by Asha dare

Waking up frozen, frightened and unable to move. Surrounded by darkness, whispers and breathing. Seeing figures approaching unable to disprove. Feeling so empty and vacant stuck staring at the ceiling. Is this a figment, is it i... Read more


poem by Asha dare

Beneath my hollow bones, I feel so much unwanted, undeserved pain. I spend each and every long drawn out day feeling like I have nothing to gain. Distress, despair and disappointment all as clear as can be. Oh why, oh why, oh why d... Read more