Browse by Dark all


poem by Kenvil Atkins

AND THEN COMES VANCE AMERICA Talking about Vance who! What is he good for, Absolutely nothing, will the real JD stand up? Seriously! What has good old boy Vance contributed, Significantly? Absolutely nothing but lies. Lesson one... Read more

The Darkness of t...

poem by msbellepoetry43

There is so much DARKNESS in this WORLD TODAY!! before HITING THE DOOR, I make sure THAT I PRAY, IT is so UNCANNY, that it SO UNREAL, The CONDITION of this WORLD Is GIVING ME the CHILLS!!! There is SO MUC... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

Just a little freewritng, just doodling. How does it sound honestly??? Don't make a SOUND, the settling of COMPLETE STILLNESS, So, QUIET that you could HEAR A PIN DROP, The CALMNESS is SO EERIE, it could make your ... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

In the year 2034, there will be no more war The earth will have closed its door Mankind will go mad for what it once had In the streets, vultures gather how sad Preying on each other hiding in corners Once again dinosaurs will ru... Read more

Broken Promises

poem by msbellepoetry43

I BELIEVED your LIES, and HUNG on every WORD, You PROMISED to be TRUTHFUL, is what my SOUL HEARD, but in REALITY, they all were LIES, PROMISES WERE BROKEN, and I don't even know why!!! I tried to UNDERSTAND as I WEEP, an... Read more

The Shadow of Dea...

poem by Frank Hornby .

“As I walk through the the Shadow of Death... I gather my thoughts...and calm down my breath... It’s when the value of life...becomes ever so clear... as the Shadow gets darker...I lose all sense of fear... ...beca... Read more

The reunion 6 9 04

poem by Raychill Ellisonwonderland

Written on Dec 10, 2015 Sit there, backs turned, Eyes Wired Shut, disconnected from your gut. Bowels Moving to the Rhythm of your Heart Pumping. Mouth Open and Shut, Spilling Shit. Ears Closed to those Who Know. Head Throbbing ... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

POISONOUS, HARMFUL, DANGEROUS, UNSAFE, You saw the WARNING SIGNS, but, You was STRICKED like a SNAKE!!! TOXIC, HOSTILE, like being shot from a PISTOL!!! UP, UP and AWAY, into the SKY like a MISSILE!!! s... Read more

The Sun doesn't s...

poem by msbellepoetry43

NOTE: Sometimes, Clouds depict the way that you feel. Almost, like it drains your Energy. Or you become somewhat depressed. The SUN has stopped SHINING, the SKIES have gone GRAY, What was supposed to be SUNRAYS, scared... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Are they confused or just refuse well know that is no excuse Making his bid for the presidency indeed he won't be defused In case you have forgotten old Trump was once king infused The race he vowed has not been run he will do it j... Read more

A Monk's Life

poem by Anthony Blake

You can shackle you It’s so hungry in the dark It’s some cruel penance Unclear agony Who shows up, who walks away When can we know trust A new disaster Until forever we’ll dance Now ways separate Let me be the on... Read more

Just Stop

poem by Jay Shades

Just stop calling me Just forget me Just stop putting effort in Just give up on me Just stop the alarm Just quit while your ahead Just stop playing games Just hold it the toilet can wait Just stop affection Just stop Read more

Lay Me At Your Th...

poem by Jay Shades

Only you can open my eyes. Through every failed attempted and all my lies. Its your kindness that brings me back to the truth. That your still saving me. Day and night Night and day let my feelings arise. If we are both thirs... Read more

An Elegy of a Dea...

poem by msbellepoetry43

NOTE: My First Elegy. Is it Good, Bad or does it need work??? I mourn the lost of this Relationships demise, With a Heavy Heart, and with Tears in my eyes. We tried to make it work, but in the end we failed, Our trying w... Read more

Twilight Zone

poem by msbellepoetry43

I done entered the TWILIGHT ZONE!!! What the HELL is going on??? How'd I get here??? Something IS DEFINITELY WRONG!!! I'm seeing CRAZY THINGS, that I should not see, HUMANS WITH DOG HEADS or maybe it's just me. This is a TR... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

NOTE: Some poeple are like this, you need to let them be. Like a VIAL of TOXICANTS!! Do not try to CONSUME ME, because I am made of POISON!!! You just didn't see When you DIED, I didn't CHOOSE TO KILL YOU, IT was the DEST... Read more

Different Moods

poem by msbellepoetry43

MOODY, GLOOMY, with such an ATTITUDY!!!, seeing you are in a BAD MOOD, explains why you having a TUDE!! I see you are having a BAD DAY, someone has RUB YOU THE WRONG WAY!!!, someone has gotten UNDER YOUR SKIN!... Read more

Mondrin North


It is said, it is told A legend long long ago A legend of a mysterious lake, A lake of Mondrin North A lake so unlike another A lake full of stars Swirling gently through the water Shining like embers in a nursery fire It was ... Read more

Hell is Here

poem by Jay Shades

At a loss with sense or sensibilities What was once yesterday's truth is now tomorrow's lie. I feel I am from some ancient bloodline of warriors that would die for his family and protect those who I love. With no need for glamori... Read more

The Hydra System

poem by Charles Sperry

Copy paste the algorithm straight into your mushy brain Rant and rave to others rhythms cut and taste the rotten strain As we out ourselves and others Swatting stars we see online While we break our broken brothers Cruel cura... Read more