Browse by Dark all

What if

poem by Andrew Dietrich

What if? My plans always involved him and you My family torn apart my heart in two My plans always involved him and you I was always down for a d.a.d number two This is all wrong. We were supposed to go home We were supposed t... Read more

He's Lonely Tonig...

poem by David P Carroll

She's lonely tonight Crying under the moonlight And loneliness hurts you so much And it kills you deep inside And you feel empty every day Crying every night kissing And holding my pillow tight Wishing she was her tonight To... Read more

Back to the midwe...

poem by Andrew Dietrich

Your new heart is close to where Daddy is from. You won't see it All that evil can stay in the midwest Thats not daddy. That won't be you either This will be the closest daddy has been To that hell hole in 20 years. Daddy wil... Read more

May 1st

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Welcome back I knew you were coming You never keep me waiting Hearing each footstep as you neared Not even bothering to turn I know who it is You never fail Turning up Making everything dull. I can't run from you Ca... Read more

Do you mind

poem by Mark Moon

I am his priority, I am more than enough, I bring pain and ambition. All goals and wants shadowed by my superiority, Tears wasted trying to look tough, He can’t lose me. I am part of his condition. Screams and insomni... Read more

The Glass House

poem by Mark Moon

I thought I knew pain I knew affliction. The feeling laid stain, Waves with conviction, Scars used to retain. Now each infliction, feels like acid rain, drops of restriction, each one adding strain. Fuel my addiction Each ... Read more

The Sixth Command...

poem by Mark Moon

What is enough ? Define it, I dare you to try, It’s hard, It’s classified. Defining is hard to define, Indulging, engulfing , enforcing. What is hope ? Please share. Read more

Paul Mall, age 15

poem by Mark Moon

Ash tells a story, Corruption of Ballymorey, Innocence dead. Read more

this world...glea...

poem by Mark Moon

Hello, I am new to this world. I don’t know the tricks of the trade, I am a soul, spat and swirled. The opportunities of this star buffeted. Shall I be a merchant, a magician, a politician, I stand in awe of the road. ... Read more

500,000 Fur Coat

poem by Mark Moon

Five p.m on the dot, You always there, Even when I was not, When I was, my head elsewhere. Dreams of a Bermuda yacht, An Alpine love affair. Ruler of Camelot. Oh, how condescending, Well, if I had a label, I would not be re... Read more


poem by Mark Moon

In four years time Your daughter to find love would work overtime Your life fallen from its prime You penniless without a dime Your relationships ruined by your crime There you go, destroyed for a lifetime Your will and righteou... Read more

A Sunny Sunday

poem by Mark Moon

Chirp, chirp from the window, The red breasted friends wants a home, Oh, Nevermind, the magpies sent him to the catacomb One with a million, Two pecks at his wing, He’ll be welcome as a vaudevillian Three bloodied well... Read more

To My Future

poem by Mark Moon

I remember, it was only yesterday. When I saw middle aged toddlers One a narcissist the other on the devil’s highway. The anger of swaddlers, Wreckless DNA. Anger is red Jealousy is green I am dirt, The rainbow of ... Read more

The Sound Of Hea...

poem by Jay Shades

I will say yes oh yes To your will to your ways Waited sò long for my comeuppance Prayed for doors to be opened Exhausted by being racially knocked back And still the rain never came . I see everything Having to explai... Read more

Someone I don't t...

poem by Hazel Frost

Eyes can't shine unless there's something bright shimmering behind, The tears I cry illuminate my pathway towards a land of hope I wish to find. The silence of nights contrasting the chaos of my mind, Lost in memories, I left my ... Read more

My Wrath

poem by Jeanne E

I must be slow to anger I must control myself My flesh screams otherwise My flesh wants to rage What happened to my spirit? What happened to it's voice? Breaking into absence As if it never existed The more I stay The mor... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

When it hits It hits Not even giving you a chance Falling down down Down How to resurface? To emerge from the Never ending Hole? A cut back to reality? A drink? A smoke? Cant do that.. How do I climb out? How do I ... Read more

Mister Hyde...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Every human on a "Jekyll, and Hyde,".. we all have a goodness...also an evil inside... ..honest, and friendly...he likes to portray, but there's a fault in his psych...that comes out to play. Deep in his subconscious.... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

The hot sting it brought to my face As if it was shredding it Cutting down my face Landing on my mistreated thighs They came hard and fast The heavy stream, I couldn't stop. My body's trembling, aching. My chest grew tigh... Read more


poem by Lucia Ocean

I only wish the story ended at teatime We'd had so much fun that day But there was something I saw I told my family But they didn't believe me anyway Out from the kitchen window, Over by the brook I saw a figure dressed all I... Read more