Browse by Dark all


poem by Nemo Nemees

I'm in love with a faceless man who talks about the stars As if they weren't so far away. I'm in love with a man Who I never met. Who I never spoke to. Who I never heard Or seen. I'm in love with a stranger. I'm in love w... Read more

Dark Side

poem by John Prophet

Humanities underbelly. A place less visible. Yet, true nonetheless. Why? Why this seedy aspect of human nature? Writhing influence on the soul of mankind. Hidden in the shadows. Pervasive. Bubbling to the fore. ... Read more

What Happened

poem by R.L. Pfundt

What happened to the happy little girl in the photographs, not afraid to be the focal point in front of a camera, not afraid to be herself? What happened in those twelve years to make her so fragile, so scared, so uncomfortabl... Read more

They Don't Unders...

poem by R.L. Pfundt

They don’t understand. They don’t feel that way when you break a little more each day, waiting for the end to come your way. They don’t understand how it feels to feel worthless, to hate yourself, to t... Read more

Be Still

poem by R.L. Pfundt

Just a girl wandering around just to fall in the abyss. Just a boy wandering around aching to save her. “I don’t need your help. I never need anyone!” “Just know that I’m gonna be there ... Read more


poem by Mister Rotten

I attempt to belong as a hunter, someone standing apart from your entity, to restrain tautological blunders; yield myself to the sedative’s lenity. I attempt to belong as a seeker, be of significance on my own right, but c... Read more


poem by Frantic & Frowzy

Swallow dry because you remember that techy thirst Slurping from the dire dish of the cursed The stash of brash beggars have all dispersed Writhing furiously through the desert sunburst A saliva paste bleached his languid lips ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"My mind won't stop spinning, swirling violently around, trapped inside a sound, I'm gasping for air...can't breath...feeling drowned. Sinking slowly into the sight, deep into the vor... Read more

The beginning

poem by Nemo Nemees

This world Was created when Two others collided. Creating a feathery mess of fire As angles burned their wings And learned the love in hate. As demons came along And saw the pain in beauty. We are the outcome of a disaster... Read more

Home. Part Two

poem by Nemo Nemees

The window is open. The air smells, Of lavender. No, Of lilacs. Your favorite flowers, Were lilacs. That's why, we planted them. You loved them. It seams , As though everything, In here, Becomes you somehow. I can't... Read more

Home. Part One

poem by Nemo Nemees

The walls, Are closing in. This room, is shrinking. The air, is thinning. The life, is dying. My heart, is breaking. And I, am lonely. .... I keep my window, open. I let the air, sing. I watch others, from a ... Read more

Dead Flies

poem by Nemo Nemees

Words are complicated. often I find myself wanting to explain, The troubles I'm going through, The troubles your a part of. I often want to understand, I often want to explain, What it is you do to me. But all I manage, Is a ... Read more

No Remorse

poem by Greg Obrecht

This shit stings it really hurts With every step my tears hit the dirt With every breath I surrender self worth So I speak of death with every word The mystique of leaving paints every verse Techniques roll slowly by like a hea... Read more


poem by Jessica Gussman

The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, colour and nuance. Read more


poem by Andrew Shepherd

Watch the man worry Observe his pain Watch the man wander In the cold poring rain Watch the man falter Listen to his woes Watch the man duck Avoiding the blows Watch the man crawl Into a hole and die Watch the man crumb... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

I was best friends with the moon. He told me stories about the stars. He told me how they saved him. from the all loneliness. He says only he can hear them. He says that its his gift. He says that they tell him of who they u... Read more

Flaunting Melody

poem by Dawn

It slipped into my fantasies a forbidden kiss upon a brow, tenderness that longed for passion without the threat of tears. I fancied myself a courtesan and dared my dreams to yawn beyond. Centered on an intriguing glint no br... Read more

I don't

poem by Nemo Nemees

Sometimes, The sun gives me headaches. And although I need, To absorb the endless, possibilities, That spring air brings, I dont. Because I hate my headaches. Sometimes, Waking up, Makes me sad. And although I need, To ... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

There is only so much I can take I am too tired to try and process my emotions. And I know that tonight it will show in my dreams Just as it did last Read more

Sweet Dreams

poem by Jennifer Drake

Leaking, oozing, she's dizzy, she's wet, her entire face. WARNING! As she begins to fall, air stinging the burn in her face. HERE COMES ANOTHER.. She screams "NO!" -"NO BEGGING! IT'S TO LATE!!". WHACK....... oozing, she's weak,... Read more