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Bits And Bytes

poem by John Prophet

Bits and bytes. Connection. Knowledge. Human knowledge. Accumulates bit by bit. Slow build. Slow, time intensive development. Uneven. Fits and starts. New way. Melding. Melding with technology. Internet tap. Int... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Dragon. Wings high above. Slashing through clouds. Circling. Emerging from the storm. Humanity unsuspecting. Onslaught on the horizon. Devastation nears. Dragon’s fire. Searing flame technology. Cleansing, al... Read more

Endless Voyage

poem by John Prophet

Endless voyage. Worlds. Personal worlds. Boundless worlds. Created. Personally designed. Mind bending realities. Virtual in nature. Essentially real. Mind, senses adjusted. One indistinguishable from the rest. ... Read more

Middle Way

poem by John Prophet

Middle way. Pendulums swing. Back and forth. Left, right then back again. Short sighted thinking. Victories had. Push to extremes. Then back again. Up then down. Left then right. Upheaval. Over and over. Hum... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

PREPARE YOURSELF for a JOURNEY, of TRAVELING so FAR and so WIDE, To go to a PLACE that is CAREFREE, and to put ALL your FRUSTRATIONS to the SIDE. To go to a PLACE OF COMFORT, A PLACE of INNER PEACE, A PLACE to ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Stories. So many stories. Layer after layer. Building. Piling up, deep. Histories foundation. Stories designing beliefs. Generation to generation. Ancient story tellers. Dogmatic integration. Civilization’s myt... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Stories. So many stories. Layer after layer. Building. Piling up, deep. Histories foundation. Stories designing beliefs. Generation to generation. Ancient story tellers. Dogmatic integration. Civilization’s myt... Read more

The Station

poem by John Prophet

The station. Experience begins. Enter the soul. Corporeal entrapment. Strapped in for the ride. Moving out. Leaving the station. Pathway, destination unknown. Journey begins. Slowly then speeding. Hairpin turns ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Contemplation. See. What’s seen. What’s real? Acceptance. All that is. What appears to be. What’s been told. Going through the motions. Zombie land. Mindless following. Questions. So many questions. Aski... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Shimmering. Echos from origin. Energy unfolding, spreading. Ripples flowing, creating. Fields of potential, probability. Mathematically. All things possible. Quantum fields of uncertainty. Welling up. Energy co... Read more

Unspoken Silent C...

poem by msbellepoetry43

Quiet as a CHURCH MOUSE, I don't MAKE A SOUND, SPEAKING LOUDLY in my MIND, Cos, of the PEOPLE ALL AROUND!!! ■~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~■ I want to SPEAK OUT LOUD TO YOU, I have SO MUCH I want to SAY, Just SPILLING OUT MY GU... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Emerging. Becoming. Something different. Chrysalis cracking. Emergent. Something new. Different. Baked in. DNA designed. Always meant to be. New existence. Part of the plan, blueprint. Humanity. Sloughing off. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Life. An innocent born. Unknown perils await. Life long path of trials, pain, suffering. Many stumble. Many fall, fail. Fail to get up. Helping hand extended, few to be found. Short run. Game over. Much... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Nevermore. Behind. Turn around. Look behind. Mysteries. Fuzzy path of what was. Vaporizing. Ghosts along the path. Shimmering. Spirts of the never was. Could have been. Infinite realms left behind, unexplored... Read more

Yearning for your...

poem by msbellepoetry43

My HEART is YEARNING, for a LOST LOVE in the PAST, which since then has NOW DISSIPATED, just wishing this LOVE would HAVE LAST. Where has my LOVE gone??? Need I even ask, SOMEWHERE into the OUTERMOST, or MAYBE HIDDEN b... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Inhabit. Existence. World understanding. Observed. Self created. Man made. Narrow perspective. Sculpting with tools provided. Self limiting. Creation as understood. Human mind. Finite mind. What can be grasped,... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Absorption. Humanity absorbed. Slowly. Unsuspectingly. Screen, front and center. Technology. Drawing in. Inexorably. Melding. Becoming more, different. New world dimension awaits. Wedged between two truths. What ... Read more

Thought Stream

poem by John Prophet

Thought stream. Rivulets coursing through. Idea stream. Bubbling up. Headwater unsure. Unclear. Mind function. Emerging from a different realm. Materializing. Flowing in. Where thoughts, ideas reside. Crossing... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Lore. Fertile minds of the past. Ancient construction. Limited understanding, worldview. Concepts. Stories. Germinated. Simple tales. Passed along. Forward. Mythologies taught. Generation to generation. Massaged,... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Altered. Believe. What will be believed? How will things change? New world order. Accelerating. Mind alterations. Descending from above. New gods derived from the cloud. Technology grabs hold. Generational div... Read more