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poem by Frank Hornby .

"How do you cope, when you lose someone you love? Do you abandon all hope...or pray to the "almighty"above? It's a personal choice to have a belief, where many people find solace, in dealing with grief, you get angry with b... Read more

My Beloved

poem by Hannah O'Neill

My beloved, she is like the sea, In all of its ephemeral fancy, Casting waves to wash away, All hopes of glorious victory, And with such beautiful simplicity, She commands both heart and soul to her will. My beloved is a becko... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Corporeal. Encased. Trapped within. Separated from universal. Imprisoned. Sentenced. Serving time. Serving corporeal time. Time in the finite. Time in the restricted. All serving time. All suffer through. Separat... Read more

The Goldly Spirits

poem by Katie Lodge

Every goodly spirit has spent The dark days trying not To give into their foes. In the end what Grows upon the ruins Is a brave and beautiful rose. Read more


poem by John Prophet

Connection, vibrations. Waves of vibrations, energy throughout existence. Consciousness. Music as consciousness. Universal. Vibrations throughout. Music universal. Organization, conscious realignment. Waves of energ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Sense of size. Sense of dimension, scope and energy. Feels empty yet filled with energy. Surging energy. Levels of creation beyond scope, beyond understanding. Intellect directed. Seemingly invisible yet everywhere... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Walking thru a hazy mist. Incomplete vision of things I see. Mere shadows of underlying reality. Constituted thus, missing most of what is. Spinning. Spinning thru a make believe. Living in a foggy dream.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Intelligent life. Alone? Other worlds? Universe! Ninety one billion light years across. Universe! Two trillion galaxies. Hundreds of billion stars per galaxy. Galaxies billions of light years distant. Light ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Being, inside the box. Being, outside the box. Inside finite. Outside infinite. Box defined. Defined as knowledge. Defined as capacity. What’s known inside. What’s unknown outside. Capacity to fathom ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Decisions made. Paths chosen. Calculations. Impacts of choice. Ramifications. All calculated. Personally calculated. Think out, stumble into. Futures decided. Calculated. Flawed calculations. Flawed results. Controls ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Decisions made. Paths chosen. Calculations. Impacts of choice. Ramifications. All calculated. Personally calculated. Think out, stumble into. Futures decided. Calculated. Flawed calculations. Flawed results. Controls ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Medium. Lump of clay. Block of marble. Scalpel, chisel, hammer, evolution. Tools of the trade. Vision of purpose. Goal. Something from nothing, or so it would seem. Final results, work in progress. Evolving, alw... Read more

Love Me

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

You weren't suppose to hit me You weren't suppose to scratch me You weren't suppose to call me names You weren't suppose to accuse me You were suppose to love me Give me a hug and a pat on the head Call me your daughter And... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Who’s to say? Who’s to say what is, or, what isn’t? Who’s right about anything, everything? Who has the answers to all the questions? Who makes the rules that all must follow? What mak... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Eyes focused. Drilling down, down into the tiny. Gazing out, out into the infinite. Searching. Climbing mountains, crossing continents. Landing on the Moon. Searching. Contemplating. Delving into the soul. Pl... Read more

Kneel feels 7 in ...

poem by Jay Shades

Staring into the darkness thinking I can find something there. Minds doing overtime knowing I don't have long left. Necessity is the mother of invention and right now I have a catalyst to change the way I have gone about things .... Read more


poem by Katie Lodge

Inspiration From some heaven beyond Lights the fires of my passion Like a magic wand Devotion and love Causes the flames To rise higher Suddenly awakening My deepest desires Read more


poem by John Prophet

The odds. What are the odds? What are the odds of being? Existence, life, sentience. Being alive. What’s the likelihood? Universe formation. Solar formation. Planet formation. Life formation. Personal formation.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The odds. What are the odds? What are the odds of being? Existence, life, sentience. Being alive. What’s the likelihood? Universe formation. Solar formation. Planet formation. Life formation. Personal formation.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Wonderment. Understanding lacking. Why? Existence. Why? How? How to explain, understand? Spinning in reality. Trying to make sense. Good. Evil. Dwelling in the soul. Why? How to explain? Manifestations of the ... Read more