Browse by Deep all


poem by John Prophet

Expansion. Mind expansion. Consciousness expansion. New vistas open. Internally. Inner space evolves. Virtually. New worlds within new worlds within new worlds. Within consciousness. Unexplored venues. Infinite po... Read more

Crossing Paths

poem by msbellepoetry43

I saw you as a PASSERBY and It kinda made me LAUGH, I tend to see you ALL THE TIME, as we are CROSSING PATHS, I do not know your WHEREABOUTS, or to WHERE is your LOCATION, All I know is that you must LIVE NEAR, as... Read more

Deep Time2

poem by John Prophet

Deep time. Ripples in the dark. Fluctuations. Quantum fluctuations. Ghosts from below. Bubbling up. Knots of energy congealed. Become whole. Solid. Sentient. Negligible existence. Negligible time. Flash, Gone. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Tribal. Unraveling. Loosening connections. Severing relationships. Dividing. Busting things up. Twenty first century. Mosh pit. Technology. Unwinding reality. Muddying waters. Warping minds. Technology infiltratio... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

The type that makes your skin craw, not a peep, not a creek, no type of sound at all, the shortening of days, the early night falls, where no one ever hears your beck and call, the dark skies are so dreary, ... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

You are the LIGHT, of an ILLUMINATING SOUL, That'll BRIGHTEN up the DARKNESS, Everywhere you go. A LIGHT so BRIGHT, YOU HAVE SUCH A GLOW, When you enter the scene, Onlookers will KNOW, People can't help but to see y... Read more

Passing Storms

poem by msbellepoetry43

There's a STORM PASSING THROUGH, What are you gonna do??? Let NATURE run its COURSE, Tough it out and don't feel BLUE, As the T-STORM is PASSING, The LIGHTING STRIKES and The THUNDER is CLASHING, The GRAY SKIES ... Read more

Pay Grade

poem by John Prophet

Pay grade. Every twitching form of life has a pay grade. A level of understanding it can’t go beyond. From the simple to the apex. Each has a knowledge sphere beyond which it can’t pass. Knowledge beyond p... Read more

Once Again

poem by John Prophet

Once again it begins. New vista. Strange new vista. Eyes open. Uncertain. Where now? Like a dream the memory fades. What was, receding. Reaching back. Grasping vapors. Ethereal myst of the used to be. Fading.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Show. The greatest show on earth. Playing out. Daily. All dramas written. Stories told. Great novels illustrated. Developed within. All reflections of self. All scripted, designed, laid out. All earthbound... Read more

Empty Packages

poem by John Prophet

Empty packages. Life’s lessons arrive like a package at the door. Different shapes, colors, sizes. Each unique. Each with something inside, to teach. Once opened. The lesson’s absorbed, learned. Becomes p... Read more

Field Of Forms

poem by John Prophet

Forms. Field of forms. Field of probability, possibilities. Potential. Ideas. Where reality’s born. Forms to structure. Manifesting through consciousness. Originating in nothing. Pulled through, made whole. Inf... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Turning. No turning back. Little by little. The envelope’s pushed. Inch by inch chess piece’s moved. Game’s been engaged. Rules simple, yet complex. Survive! Choice after choice, results coming in. Player... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Within. It’s all within. Working design. Humanity carries creation In its soul. Where good and evil lurk. Carries reality in its mind. Where deeds are done. Mankind once believed it was the center of things... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Told. God. Is there a god? Don’t know. Know what’s been told. Down through the ages. Passed down. Human beliefs. Those who came before. What did they know? No one knows. Plenty believe, but don’t kno... Read more

The Box2

poem by John Prophet

The box. Placed at birth. Configured as such. Body. Mind. Provided. Environmental download. Filled. Told. What to believe. How to behave. Location dependent. Formed, shaped. Box created. Views, abilities assigne... Read more

Passing Through

poem by John Prophet

Passing through. One stop along the way. No beginning. No end. Not one and done! Realm to realm the spirits flow. Resting, observing. Lessons learned. Moving on. Veil through veil. The trip entails. New real... Read more

Muddling Minds

poem by John Prophet

Muddling minds. Twenty four seven. Three sixty five. Infinite pages to fill. Day in, day out more of the same. What to watch? What to read? What to believe? Who to trust? Information, facts. Spun to a blur. ... Read more

Old Timer

poem by John Prophet

Old timer. Reflecting. History, experience. Around the block then back again. Many times. Seasoned. Learnerd. Veteran of human existence. Worldview molded. Tempered under fire. Years in the making. Hammer, chise... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Frequency. Awash in frequencies. Sounds of creation all around. Everywhere. Every time. Cosmic music. Music of the celestial spheres. Resonating. Planets. Stars. Background vibrations. Cosmic ripples. Voices, fl... Read more