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Dispatches from t...

poem by Carl Halling

Introduction ‘Dispatches from the Trenches of Despair’ was finally completed around late April 2021, marking the end of a period of severe depression extending from around Tuesday the 13th to the end of the month, and ... Read more

Someone I don't t...

poem by Hazel Frost

Eyes can't shine unless there's something bright shimmering behind, The tears I cry illuminate my pathway towards a land of hope I wish to find. The silence of nights contrasting the chaos of my mind, Lost in memories, I left my ... Read more

Shadow People

poem by Matthew Ramsden

"They" are just a manifestation of us. just a shadow of the collective. People choose what they are willing to accept. Fear is no excuse a lie you tell yourself For comfort or ease or sedative sleep. Ordinary men one step at a ... Read more

Internal Battle

poem by Jeanne E

It feels good to move It feels good to be me I love the way I look I love the way I am For only I can be me Beautifully unique I see those around me I see others I see peers A wave of envy flows within It grows immensel... Read more

Broken knob

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

My ears ring with the insults Slashing happy thoughts Destroying images I've created. I try to keep them turned down. I think the knob broke today. Max volume! Funny I thought I could be valued That I can hold ... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Up to the sky To crash in the mud Splatter the depression Kick up the anxiety Why not? Clean up. Up again Just to end up In the mud. I can't stay up there. Why do I keep trying? Dig a hole Call it home I never reall... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Lock away the pain Hide the hurt Stash the tears Just Smile It'll go away It will All Go Away. Smile. So they won't see. Smile Don't let them know Smile. Just Fucking Smile. ... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

When it hits It hits Not even giving you a chance Falling down down Down How to resurface? To emerge from the Never ending Hole? A cut back to reality? A drink? A smoke? Cant do that.. How do I climb out? How do I ... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Your face has stained my mind Not you smiling Not you laughing But You looking at me ...With disgust My words didn't matter My actions didn't either I gave my all You didn't even notice Even though you're gone You sti... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I banged and banged Rattling the whole house Trying to save her The door shook It rattled It wouldn't give I begged I pleaded I threatened "Open the door"" "Please, not again!" "Please" Drowning in my tears as I sc... Read more

Your's sign up to...

poem by Talal Uddin

I don't require your/ Full name/ Username/ Email address/ Password/ Even a permanent address/ where you reside/ You have automatically signed in to my life/ I cannot prevent your automated sign up/ I left for you a trillions of emotio... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

The hot sting it brought to my face As if it was shredding it Cutting down my face Landing on my mistreated thighs They came hard and fast The heavy stream, I couldn't stop. My body's trembling, aching. My chest grew tigh... Read more

No Words

poem by Annie Kirby

i have no words just emptiness upon my mind thoughts with their meaning melt to nothing i sit, pen in hand staring at blank pages the minute, the hour, the day on a continuous loop lost without my words i thought they were ... Read more

Unfinished Though...

poem by Annie Kirby

i am a mess of unfinished thoughts no plans for tomorrow this life - just trying to survive looking for colors in this black and gray world changing my mind and forgetting i changed it time stretches on my path - unmappe... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Who am I to judge another oh no not I please tell them mother? You taught me right I fought to do the right with all my might. I sit in judgement of another making decisions I dare not blunder. We do wrong to each other some wr... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

She was fair to look upon her smile was as sweet as cherry. Laying her down if only I could be a burden I did carry. In her innocent I knew that it would be soon and not tarry I pave the town I search the neighborhood but not... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

They wanted a new king to sit him up on a puppet throne All they got was an old king that went on digging up bones Never mind they say we can control him just pull his strings His strings were all but broken the puppet man had a... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Am I my brother’s keeper oh yes I am for the love we share could not abound The birds built their nest and the trees take a rest little brother you’re the best Smaller in size yet twice as wise you share the load as we... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Come and listen to a story about a man my father no doubt To market to market to buy some fresh fish to market I say And the sailor home from the sea spread his catch on the bay Fish for sale penny for a pound of fish ten pennies h... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

The voice of the Lord came to me in the inner most depth of my soul; I was too busy with hate to recognize it too drunk with bitter anger to care. Ten years had I struggle for glory ten years had I toil or so I was told, Anguished and... Read more