Browse by Depressing all


poem by Wavy Jang

When all the joy is gone from your world When all your reasons to live are gone. When all that’s left is cold empty silence When no one truly knows where you’re coming from. When time stands still and silence deafens... Read more

Your Eyes...

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Your eyes brought me love A connection of souls The sense of security They glistened with motivation Bright with excitement But Something hidden There was no worries But Those eyes Exposed something terrifying... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Sitting alone in the dark Staring at the same spots Lost in these thoughts Hoping to feel a spark Remembering all the pain Letting it take over Dragging me even lower How can i maintain? I think about the kids Their smil... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I just want to hibernate....go to ground, don't want to be near one around. Maybe sleep for a year...try not to wake, curl up into a tight ball...for as long as it takes. In suspended animation, with minimum heartbea... Read more

left almost alone

poem by Malin Christine

Why do I feel so brave all the sudden Why do my beloved anxiety leave me behind when it feels like it What happened with “stay away from people at all times, you can’t trust them” Why do I wanna go on dates with ... Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

Surrounded by friend, yet I feel so alone I can't cope with this anymore, I just want to go home But I can't, I can't right now Please let this be over soon Perhaps the world did end in 2012 Welcome to 2020: the Year of Hell A... Read more

Love Me

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

You weren't suppose to hit me You weren't suppose to scratch me You weren't suppose to call me names You weren't suppose to accuse me You were suppose to love me Give me a hug and a pat on the head Call me your daughter And... Read more

Poem Revy

poem by Meesh Milphy

They imprisoned my innocent thoughts And left me to wander with an empty mind For my heart withered and my soul scattered Alive or dead that no longer matters Sagacity and the longing to be sane To live a life without terrible... Read more

God is a Ghost

poem by Robert Gold

God is a Ghost God is a Ghost An ungrateful host Who clouds the minds of many And leaves none for plenty They say he is all powerful and all good Yet, there are young black men shot dead in our neighborhood They say lov... Read more

Never Empty

poem by Robert Gold

Never Empty: Never have I seen this place so empty Never have I seen streets so bare Never have I seen so many lights turned off Never have I seen so many people lifeless Never have I seen so many trees grey Never have I seen ... Read more

The Piano

poem by Robert Gold

The Piano It was a cool summer evening, when me and a friend were taking a walk Whenever we were together, all we ever seemed to do was talk Hours and hours, paying no attention to the clock However, I let her talk the most, bec... Read more

No Escape

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Trees dancing about. Sky bright with hope. Birds singing freely. Air softly comforting. Wow it's beautiful. Finally some peace! You made a fortunate escape. Or so you thought! Trees crash around you. Birds dying, hitting ... Read more

My bestfriend

poem by Miss Ann Ominous

So.... I want to thank you for being with me, Through the thick and the thin, the ups and the downs and many highs then inevitable lows. We’ve caused havoc together, loved together and lost so many along the way. When Ive wep... Read more


poem by Miss Ann Ominous

I cry when I’m seething Get mad for no reason I cry when I’m feeling Sad past or present evil A childhood stolen by a mother Who never loved just but signed up another I cry with good reason. Hands washed with... Read more

Coronavirus Poem ...

poem by David P Carroll

Our lives have changed Like never before I can't hug Or kiss my beautiful mother like before Sadness in her eyes as my sick Elderly father cry's watching the tears Roll down my Auntie's eye's Mrs Carroll She's 100 crying every ... Read more


poem by Kim Bond

Sick and tired of this life Crying doesn't help the pain Running away is always an option Escaping all the problems Allowing me to have a chance Making me feel happy again. At times when I feel angry, alone or sad All I want ... Read more

The girl i cant l...

poem by Nemo Nemees

She was laying face up. Eyes wide open. The rain washed over her. I asked her why Are you trying to drown? She said the sky Has fallen down on her. She lets out a laugh That roars like the rolling thunder Her eyes meet ... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Memories are flashing through my head And I feel like you are here But you are Gone. I look at the passenger seat You are there for a second But you are Gone. I look at the sky Then hear your voice But you are Gone... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

She wears a cloak It's dark and mysterious She hides her face And her feelings Scars and pain All beneath it. When the hood comes off A beautiful broken woman She has the wrinkles Of many tears cried A perfectl... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Does she think I'm psycho too? That I'm... psycho? My break downs are worse... Anger, yelling, crying all of that That's what he did. But I do that too.. We are the same. Am I psycho... too? Bestfriend, What do ... Read more