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poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Cries echo off the walls. Thoughts bounce through my head There is so much noise, yet too much silence Surrounded by people, yet I'm so lonely What has become of me? Read more

Shooting Star

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Pedaling down a road surrounded by trees Just I and my mother beside me It was a warm breezy night. Star filled sky, providing light. Gazing at the sky, so brilliant! Mothers voice shouts with excitement. "Look a shooting ... Read more

lie with myself

poem by Ikaros

guard the grave through the dark days the light nights in my hand: a shovel, ready for the memories digging their way up think they still have a heartbeat down in the soil I sleep better I now get to in my own bed "do y... Read more

Friday, Novemver ...

poem by Nemo Nemees

She imagines drowning In words In love She imagines a train wreck A mess of shrapnel A mess that keeps piling She imagines a notebook With words that lift her away With words ... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

I am so tired. I wish to fall, in an endless sleep, to wake only, when my heart, can beat freely, once more. Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

You said, "Stay strong." I said, "Hold on!" I stared into your eyes Wishing it was lies "He will be home in no time!" "Everything will be fine." I was in the waiting room I saw my sister, face of gloom. "He's gone!" She said ... Read more

happy life

poem by Yunki Choi

I think about to end everything, but I don't want to Never even close... I want to live... I want to run.. but I'm trapped A claustrophobic... There's so much to see, so much to do but I somehow still find myself do... Read more

I'm Sorry

poem by Lilith Sunpetal

I'm sorry for everything, I stuck around to heal a broken wing After it healed I stayed And your patience frayed. Somehow I developed a crush, And failed to keep it hush hush. I'm sorry for causing you harm, I stuck with you ... Read more


poem by Lilith Sunpetal

You were the one I turned to In the darkness of my mind Even when I didn't know what to do You always helped me unwind. Now I'm lost and spiraling down I've let my emotions go to town I'm not sure how to pull myself out You a... Read more

Acid Rain

poem by Lilith Sunpetal

Watch me fly, Don't watch me cry. Watch me rise, Don't watch my demise. It cuts me deep to see you there, Won't do anything but stand and stare. The cut expands, When you don't offer me your hands. Cant you see that I'm in pai... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

I'm in love with a faceless man who talks about the stars As if they weren't so far away. I'm in love with a man Who I never met. Who I never spoke to. Who I never heard Or seen. I'm in love with a stranger. I'm in love w... Read more

What Happened

poem by R.L. Pfundt

What happened to the happy little girl in the photographs, not afraid to be the focal point in front of a camera, not afraid to be herself? What happened in those twelve years to make her so fragile, so scared, so uncomfortabl... Read more

They Don't Unders...

poem by R.L. Pfundt

They don’t understand. They don’t feel that way when you break a little more each day, waiting for the end to come your way. They don’t understand how it feels to feel worthless, to hate yourself, to t... Read more

Be Still

poem by R.L. Pfundt

Just a girl wandering around just to fall in the abyss. Just a boy wandering around aching to save her. “I don’t need your help. I never need anyone!” “Just know that I’m gonna be there ... Read more


poem by Mister Rotten

I attempt to belong as a hunter, someone standing apart from your entity, to restrain tautological blunders; yield myself to the sedative’s lenity. I attempt to belong as a seeker, be of significance on my own right, but c... Read more

What road are the...

poem by Christopher Russon

Let's hope this storm blows over It is looking rather bad It's really so alarming When nations get raging mad. It only takes one foolish move And all we need is one Lives could be in Danger And our planet could be gone. Lo... Read more

moonlight sunsets

poem by Anna Freshour

The moon and the sun used to be lovers. Creating light shows for all the world to see. Making stars and planets all come into alignment with all of the wrong things. The more they made love, the more they tore each other ... Read more


poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

Sweet moon cuddle me gently in your light tonight; may your petals fall on the shivering lake and be a pillow for my troubled eyes; may the scents of the sleeping flowers give a shelter to my exhaled fears. The da... Read more


poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

woman in the supermarket knocks at the watermallon asking for fruitfull meal where seeds stain the smiles of friends red water flows in the blood she has gathered; worker in her smoking breack pufs the smoke with i... Read more