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The Last Time

poem by James Dicus

This is the last time. I held on long after it was over. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months. I hoped there was still something there, I was wrong. I was slowly killing myself. I thought the suffering would be worth it in the... Read more


poem by James Dicus

Sadness overwhelms me My heart breaks inside. I am weak and tired My happiness pushed aside. I call friends for help But no one can answer my heart. I cry to make the pain stop But my pleads are torn apart. My past haunts ... Read more

The beginning

poem by Nemo Nemees

This world Was created when Two others collided. Creating a feathery mess of fire As angles burned their wings And learned the love in hate. As demons came along And saw the pain in beauty. We are the outcome of a disaster... Read more

the flesh

poem by Lana Stilinski

you pulse inside my head and heart. and burn the last parts of our past. the flame keeps track on traitor's life, and i keep stitching flesh up tight. move out of me before we die together. don't let pain pass, just cut the press... Read more

Home. Part Two

poem by Nemo Nemees

The window is open. The air smells, Of lavender. No, Of lilacs. Your favorite flowers, Were lilacs. That's why, we planted them. You loved them. It seams , As though everything, In here, Becomes you somehow. I can't... Read more

Home. Part One

poem by Nemo Nemees

The walls, Are closing in. This room, is shrinking. The air, is thinning. The life, is dying. My heart, is breaking. And I, am lonely. .... I keep my window, open. I let the air, sing. I watch others, from a ... Read more

Dead Flies

poem by Nemo Nemees

Words are complicated. often I find myself wanting to explain, The troubles I'm going through, The troubles your a part of. I often want to understand, I often want to explain, What it is you do to me. But all I manage, Is a ... Read more

No Remorse

poem by Greg Obrecht

This shit stings it really hurts With every step my tears hit the dirt With every breath I surrender self worth So I speak of death with every word The mystique of leaving paints every verse Techniques roll slowly by like a hea... Read more

Teddy bear

poem by Jessica Gussman

Teddy bear are cuddly to sleep with. It comes in different color. It never leave your side. Teddy bear are great listener. Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

I was best friends with the moon. He told me stories about the stars. He told me how they saved him. from the all loneliness. He says only he can hear them. He says that its his gift. He says that they tell him of who they u... Read more

I don't

poem by Nemo Nemees

Sometimes, The sun gives me headaches. And although I need, To absorb the endless, possibilities, That spring air brings, I dont. Because I hate my headaches. Sometimes, Waking up, Makes me sad. And although I need, To ... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

There is only so much I can take I am too tired to try and process my emotions. And I know that tonight it will show in my dreams Just as it did last Read more

What Will She Cho...

poem by Jennifer Drake

Her search continues, sitting in the corner of a dimly lit, damp hallway in the corner, she's rocking on the floor. Every wall of that house whispers, its taunts her, and dares her, repeating its jests. Rocking, shes rock... Read more

Broken pieces of ...

poem by Roxanne Dubarry

There were many broken pieces in my life. Darkness and despair held a strong gripe on me. Feeling deep inside I was trapped and held captive by my own misery. The present was as gloomy as the deepest blue sea. Living my life n... Read more

A Soft Whisper

poem by David P Carroll

A soft whisper A gentle kiss A perfect moment A warm touch Her precious touch Her bright eyes Our hearts connected In true love Hands held Soft breathing Hearts beating in rhythm We come together as one A perfect mom... Read more

I'll See


What if I don't want to be obvious? Lies can catch up to you. I think we're all kids at heart, that's why I still laugh at unnecessary squawking I wonder if they'll remember that while they crucify me Some people think the... Read more


poem by Darren Brown

I have brought this sin you seek. And I think you know it makes me weak, To see you falling from above Carrying what you seem to love There is a role I seek To slay the demons, protect the meek. Against my will, it comes thro... Read more

The last chapter

poem by George Griffiths

The very first chapter is simply a blurb all the others are a distant blur Life has been a lesson that I’ve learnt I have cried and I put up a fight I didn’t stop, I think you’ll agree If it’s a less... Read more

Every day is diff...

poem by Asha dare

I don't ever feel relaxed, I dont ever feel real. I don't ever feel comfortable, every situation is so surreal. I don't like to much company, but I hate to be alone. I don't like confrontation, sometimes I wish I could turn to ston... Read more


poem by Asha dare

Beneath my hollow bones, I feel so much unwanted, undeserved pain. I spend each and every long drawn out day feeling like I have nothing to gain. Distress, despair and disappointment all as clear as can be. Oh why, oh why, oh why d... Read more