Browse by Encouraging all

Marching Boots,

poem by Christopher Russon

Those heavey boots That marched our streets Will never march again Peace has come upon our land No longer a world insane, Six long years of fear and dread With so much uncertainty Now we sleep at night in bed At peace and fe... Read more


poem by alexis karpouzos

Better than grandeur, better than gold is the shrine of love, the haven of life is a heart that can feel a woe in affliction’s hour, better than pride and vanities is the balm of a tender hug with its soothing power, when al... Read more

Starting a New Ch...

poem by msbellepoetry43

If you are having LIFE STRUGGLES, They have come to an ENDING. This is NOW your FRESH START, WELCOME TO YOUR NEW BEGINNING!!! Starting a NEW CHAPTER is ALL you need to do. Just let go of the PAST ISSUES, and pus... Read more

Heaven is missing...

poem by msbellepoetry43

HEAVEN is MISSING AN ANGEL, which has FALLING FROM out of the SKY, If you are looking for this ANGELIC BEING, This ANGEL is by my SIDE. It REMAINED here for a REASON, to help me through my DESPAIRS. This ANGEL saw me S... Read more

Heaven has Found ...

poem by msbellepoetry43

HEAVEN has FOUND its ANGEL This ANGEL was my GUIDE!!! This ANGELIC ANGEL TASK is now COMPLETE, and has NOW ASCENDED into the BLUE SKIES!!! I will never FORGET this ANGEL, I am SADDENED we had to PART, I will always REMEM... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

UNDOUBTEDLY, DEFINITELY, and SURELY, Do you matter to me, the answer is: CERTAINLY, I HOPE I DO TOO!!! BLACK LIVES MATTER!! for this is TRUE. ALL PEOPLE MATTER!!! meaning ME, and YOU, POSITIVE VIBES at cha, so ... Read more

Terrible Writings

poem by msbellepoetry43

Do you think my WRITINGS are TERRIBLE? or do you feel like my WORDS ARE TOLERABLE?? Do my POEMS INSPIRE to ENCOURAGE, or do the NEGATIVE VIBES DISCOURAGE. Are you dealing with BAD VIBES, Then turn them into ... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

FIREWORKS EXPLODING!!!, and SPARKING in the SKY, On this INDEPENDENCE DAY, So very, very HIGH!! It's another YEAR, that we CELEBRATE, Our countries Birthday, as we commemorate, So, Just watch these FIREWORKS LIGHT of the ... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

The LIGHTHOUSE BEAMS out a BEACON OF LIGHT, to direct SHIPS and MARINERS during the DARKENED NIGHT. It helps to GUIDE THEM, and gives NAVIGATION, On the SEAS, for the SHIPS to their FINAL DESTINATIONS. This POEM, that... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

SCARS are IMPERFECTIONS of PAINS that we ENDURE. Allowing it to HEAL, is the Initial CURE. Although your SCARS won't completely GO AWAY, they will slowly, be UNNOTICED, or even start to FADE. SCARS are BEAUTIF... Read more

Don't waste your ...

poem by msbellepoetry43

Note: Today is July the 1st, the 7th month of the year of our Lord of 2023. Time Waits for no one, time is moving so fast we can't seem to keep up. This piece goes out to my Poets, Writers, Lyricists, rhymers, sonnetist, and ALL gen... Read more

Stray away from t...

poem by msbellepoetry43

Stray away from the DARKNESS, and come to HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT!!! It's like sitting in a DARK ROOM, in the middle of the DARKENED NIGHT!! Your LIFE has gone all wrong, and you wanna make it RIGHT!! Even if you're dealing... Read more

Morning Birds

poem by msbellepoetry43

MORNING BIRDS PLEASE Open your eyes, Make one with the DAY, and see the SUNRISE This your DAY to START OFF RIGHT, Once your DAY is OVER, you RESET the WHOLE NIGHT. Your ANITICIPATION is to have a GREAT DAY, As your... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

NOTE: Kites Fly and sway in the air, Without a worry or any cares!! Let's be like Kites, and everything will be Alright!!! FREE as a BIRD, SWAYING with the STRONG WINDS. A KITES FLIGHT never ends. KITES don't worry, they just... Read more

Take Flight like ...

poem by msbellepoetry43

Take FLIGHT like a 747, from the Earth of the GROUND all the way to the HEAVENS!!! Like a 747 go on and TAKE FLIGHT, FROM the DAWN OF DAY, into the DARK OF NIGHT!!! Just Keep on INCLINING, and Keep on CLIMBING, Cos, O... Read more

Fly High

poem by msbellepoetry43

FLY HIGH, Touch the SKY, Soar and glide, As the birds fly by. Make one with the wind, Where should you begin??? Keep on Succeeding, Cos, at the end you'll win. You're an Achiever, Now, Be a Believer, Just go the RIGHT PATH... Read more

Whatever happened...

poem by msbellepoetry43

This is for the people that like to hold on to stuff. What for??? Whatever they did to you just Let it go. While you're so Angry at them, their Living their best life not even knowing you're mad at them. Don't let them keep you hostag... Read more

Dear Future Husba...

poem by msbellepoetry43

Dear Future Husband, Soulmate, and Companion, this is your Future Wife, just thought that I would mention I have been waiting for you for so very long, Me right by your side, is where I belong. I am patiently waiting for y... Read more

Dark Clouds

poem by msbellepoetry43

NOTE: Even through the Dark Clouds, it produces a Ray of Sunshine, just let the Storm pass. If it wasn't for the Dark Clouds, We would never See the Sunshine. If it wasn't for the Hardships, I wouldn't receive what's ... Read more

I am a Soul, Soul...

poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

Who am I? Why am I here? What is the truth about life, my dear? I am not the body, I am not the mind Who am I? The truth, I must find! Most of us, just live and die We believe the lie that God lives in the sky We don't ask ... Read more