Browse by Encouraging all


poem by Kenvil Atkins

The buck stops here it’s their birthright and curse we have no business being there They are program to fight among themselves you would be wise not to improvise Sitting in high places with covered faces leaving no traces is... Read more


poem by alexis karpouzos

I have many fathers and I have many mothers And I have many sisters and I have many brothers My brothers are black and my mothers are yellow And my fathers are red and my sisters are white. And I am over fifty thousand years old ... Read more

New beginnings

poem by Gemma Marsh

When something makes you fall you can’t take it any longer, You always find some strength within to come back fighting stronger, The people who truly love you always have your back, To drag you from the hole your in which is... Read more

Walk Alone...

poem by Rod Moffat

Walk Alone… Sometimes communication doesn’t need to be more than recognition Until you meet somebody to share your enthusiasm Recognition of a kindred spirit makes way for energy shared No need to explain both kn... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

Your beats don't match mine or hers Yours like to beat in not twos but thirds We knew you'd struggle we wanted you no matter what we heard. Daddies weight is low sometimes words get a little slurd. Its hard keeping stuff down dad... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Dearest son Remember to smile Always stand tall Value every second Enjoy and live life Never stop fighting Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

After being there for a while Eyes adjust to the dark And you can see just fine But it's still dark You get use to the gloomy shadows The neverending overcast Forgetting what light was But there's still light Coming... Read more

Safe Place

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Can't let it slither back in my head You were never my friend Just someone who causes pain For what gain? I'm protecting my babies I was never crazy The mental abuse The physical abuse They will not see you hurt ... Read more

Where's Home

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I don't know which direction to go I'm tired of searching for home I'm lost in the middle of nowhere And there is no one to call My mind is racing Heart is aching But have keep moving Have to smile for these babies We are go... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Pure intentions of those soft white petals Trusting every second of it's time Strength in the very stem it bloomed from Knowing it couldn't be hurt by any The fragrance drifted through the days It smelled of innocent love and h... Read more

Nine Lives

poem by Alyssa Nolan

I heard that cats have nine lives True or not, who is it to say? Maybe that why they deep dive Because they know they’ll be okay I heard how rains can be a comfort Their drops ring through your window It could give you ... Read more


poem by Mark Moon

In four years time Your daughter to find love would work overtime Your life fallen from its prime You penniless without a dime Your relationships ruined by your crime There you go, destroyed for a lifetime Your will and righteou... Read more

I need a deep sle...

poem by Talal Uddin

Death I have seen infront of my eyes/ It is playing in the Meditterrean sea/ Syria, Iraq & Afghanistan/ Mine also came from the death's mouth thrice/ With heavy sound, it was shouting at me/ How cruel the life is in this world!/ Wh... Read more

Unto to us a Son ...

poem by Roxanne Dubarry

Unto to us a Son is given as a Present from our Heavenly Father, "who is in Heaven. Hallowed be His name. His Kingdom come, His will Be done on earth as it is in Heaven." "For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power And the Glor... Read more

Unto to us a chil...

poem by Roxanne Dubarry

Unto to us a child is born; Unto to us a Son is given. God gave his most precious Gift unto His people of the Earth. He gave unto all of His People His only begotten Son, as His present to All of His people of the Earth bel... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

You may not know me quite possible I do not live in king’s palace Nor even heard about me I do not boast of my accomplishments Possible you may have seen me I labor tirelessly where I’m sent I am who I am a slave of t... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

The voice of the Lord came to me in the inner most depth of my soul; I was too busy with hate to recognize it too drunk with bitter anger to care. Ten years had I struggle for glory ten years had I toil or so I was told, Anguished and... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

So much that we as a people have not known and yet God’s mercy abounds Are there aliens living among us why do we quarrel and fight so as to please us The beauty of the celestial and the glow of the terrestrial we want so to ... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

At fifty the spirit moves me, it told me of the meaning of life Which I now reveal to you, listen, mortal man, Son of man he said, all you have done up till now is pardon The truth is revealed to you, take heed on judgment day And... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Search my soul oh Lord and let me be Concreted Lord to thee When thou call me my bones stand to attention and not sleep The wicked shall try but in vain no rest has given until that great day Early in the morning, I search your gl... Read more