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Sxaforys Katorm.....

poem by Sxisha Prafa Dia

Sen Oura supir Velsh, Palu culat Dusco Velshan Farank, e Velsh pirla Ieotan Velsh dusco Palu, Vop ta pedr Su aper, vitu ovi ieotan aven enfan plu enfanti Oculdiepnra Prafatia Duscon satilha Pra kedam enfanti Stalia Pran coma Wit... Read more

Sxaforys Descends

poem by Sxisha Prafa Dia

In the skies above us, a light shot across. It landed in our forest, and we went out to investigate. When we found the light, it was a crashed rock But it was opened, like an egg when the bird child is born. In front of us stood a... Read more

Save lives...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"JUST DON'T GO OUT! lives...STAY IN! Use COMMON SENSE!...stay home with your kin. It's now a PANDEMIC!...thousands of LIVES ARE BEING LOST! Stay home with your loved ones...THINK OF THE COST! Pray for the NHS workers, riski... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

She wears a cloak It's dark and mysterious She hides her face And her feelings Scars and pain All beneath it. When the hood comes off A beautiful broken woman She has the wrinkles Of many tears cried A perfectl... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Does she think I'm psycho too? That I'm... psycho? My break downs are worse... Anger, yelling, crying all of that That's what he did. But I do that too.. We are the same. Am I psycho... too? Bestfriend, What do ... Read more

Lonely Thoughts

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Alone lost in thought Thinking of The Past Wondering why I've fought I want to cry so bad Yet I Can't I'm so fucking sad So done with this Just want To Disappear Find some bliss. Read more

It dont stop

poem by Jay Shades

Who is the extension cord Are you the plug Mains , adapter charger what would you rather My father is a poet, a wordsmith modern day Shakespearean capulet I wonder if we will ever combine to write together like a duet . Eventf... Read more

Crimson Tide

poem by Antoinette Pringle

I watch the waves as they get bigger What was once solid ground is now An ocean of red fear. An awakening maybe? No, for an awakening is light fear is the depth of darkness. Wait the waves did not cover everthing I see a lig... Read more

Where's my heart

poem by Pratyaksh Singh

Where's that part of my heart? where has she taken it now? Don't wanna cry, but I break that way. Am I lost or did she run away? Did I give in or did she give out? Aren't we each other's half? When did this ark begin to fall ap... Read more


poem by Edgy Boiii

with each cleave of his skin to make a scar that not even time will mend straining against time you thrash unhindered i gleefully slash as you are picked apart skin and bone you hope to see the chance to atone my fun should nev... Read more


poem by Dakota Iris

I am chaotic, An indescribable mess of highs and lows. Smiles and laughs, screams and cries. My skin tells my stories. Angel kisses and imperfect pores. freckles and scars. Love and lashes. My skin is a page, my mind is the bo... Read more

page 14

poem by Anthony Blake

Bleed to disappear The past that holds the triggers Erase the patterns Fear of losing love A life forgotten to live A love that is not No suicide yes Give everyone a reason To know they matter I see time passing Lost ... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Cries echo off the walls. Thoughts bounce through my head There is so much noise, yet too much silence Surrounded by people, yet I'm so lonely What has become of me? Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"She never said a word...she didn't need to speak, as her hand caressed my sad face...she kissed me on the cheek, she was just a caring orphan girl, trying to take away my fears, a little caring orphan girl, wanting to stem my flow... Read more

there's still a s...

poem by Ikaros

there’s a scream stuck in my throat lives behind the picket fence of my gritted teeth (I’ve always breathed through it drowned ever since) and the scream like a poltergeist destroys everything t... Read more

Meet Quite

poem by Ikaros

o fuck that fake moody mockup? the one with teary laugh! too quick feet! etymology; from rival to flying to fall matchstick underwater brims over leftover feelings burn the stage & hope it's not overdramatic what to run fr... Read more


poem by Surprised Eye

Your mind is my home. I find comfort here. Images I've created decorate the walls. Depictions of a death. Frames embody a tomb for loved ones. I thank you for the canvases provided. Give me more ideas. Your anxiety is my muse. Read more

happy life

poem by Yunki Choi

I think about to end everything, but I don't want to Never even close... I want to live... I want to run.. but I'm trapped A claustrophobic... There's so much to see, so much to do but I somehow still find myself do... Read more


poem by Mick Reid

SOCKS Oh no! Today is that day we must fear he has not changed his socks in a year his feet were once pink now it is the colour of stink so do be careful and don't get so near! Oh no! He is peeling them off very slow releas... Read more