Browse by Fear all


poem by Nemo Nemees

I'm in love with a faceless man who talks about the stars As if they weren't so far away. I'm in love with a man Who I never met. Who I never spoke to. Who I never heard Or seen. I'm in love with a stranger. I'm in love w... Read more

What road are the...

poem by Christopher Russon

Let's hope this storm blows over It is looking rather bad It's really so alarming When nations get raging mad. It only takes one foolish move And all we need is one Lives could be in Danger And our planet could be gone. Lo... Read more


poem by MadDedadalo ehmmelilly

woman in the supermarket knocks at the watermallon asking for fruitfull meal where seeds stain the smiles of friends red water flows in the blood she has gathered; worker in her smoking breack pufs the smoke with i... Read more

The beginning

poem by Nemo Nemees

This world Was created when Two others collided. Creating a feathery mess of fire As angles burned their wings And learned the love in hate. As demons came along And saw the pain in beauty. We are the outcome of a disaster... Read more

You are thunder

poem by Nemo Nemees

Erupt, like booming thunder. Roar, with all that the light gave you. Do not touch, a single soul And know You scare more Then the bolt itself Read more

Home. Part Two

poem by Nemo Nemees

The window is open. The air smells, Of lavender. No, Of lilacs. Your favorite flowers, Were lilacs. That's why, we planted them. You loved them. It seams , As though everything, In here, Becomes you somehow. I can't... Read more

Home. Part One

poem by Nemo Nemees

The walls, Are closing in. This room, is shrinking. The air, is thinning. The life, is dying. My heart, is breaking. And I, am lonely. .... I keep my window, open. I let the air, sing. I watch others, from a ... Read more

Dead Flies

poem by Nemo Nemees

Words are complicated. often I find myself wanting to explain, The troubles I'm going through, The troubles your a part of. I often want to understand, I often want to explain, What it is you do to me. But all I manage, Is a ... Read more


poem by Jessica Gussman

Believe in what you pray for. Read more


poem by Jessica Gussman

Keep dreaming today, tomorrow and forever. Keep dreaming faith and love. But don’t stop dreaming about hope! Read more


poem by Jessica Gussman

In my mind I could dream about memories that will last forever. But it will not disappear in my mind. Read more

Loss of a pet

poem by Jessica Gussman

As each day passes may the memories of your furry friend help fill the hole in your heart. Read more

Dream time

poem by Jessica Gussman

Dream your life. Dream the sky. Dream hope and faith. Dream love. But don’t dream fear. Read more

God light

poem by Jessica Gussman

You won’t stumble in the dark if you walk in the light of god’s word Read more

God way

poem by Jessica Gussman

Repentance clears the way for renewed closeness with god Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

I was best friends with the moon. He told me stories about the stars. He told me how they saved him. from the all loneliness. He says only he can hear them. He says that its his gift. He says that they tell him of who they u... Read more

Who Am I

poem by Khalia Cotugno

My mother Erica Lee, is always telling me: “Khalia, you can be anything you want to be." While my sister, Italia, continuously tells me “It's up to you to turn your daydreams into reality." Usually, I go with the flow ... Read more


poem by Jessica Gussman

I believe one day the distance between myself and god will disappear. Read more

God protection

poem by Jessica Gussman

Every promise from god is true and pure. A shield of protection; in him you are secure. Read more

God saw

poem by Jessica Gussman

God saw that you were suffering And a cure was not to be,So he put his arms around you And whispered, “Come with me”. Through tear filled eyes, We watched you suffer And slowly fade away. Although we loved you deeply w... Read more