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poem by Kenvil Atkins

Old-time rhymes stored by Bill and Will Jack and Gill what a thrill went up the hill Little bo pip lost their sheep two were kill Mary was quite contrary no time to weep Jack Sprat could eat all fat lying on his back Humpty Dum... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

He fishes all day and half the night You call it it’s the old man's delight Roast fish pickle jam butter sauce Above the cliffs where the wave toss Slinging his hook above the sea moss Coming up empty his rod criss-cross Anoth... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Tell me poem lover how many likes have your poems got Are they inferior to others go ahead just humor me why not It is for sure you, not Edgar Allen Po that we all see but To each, there can condone not liking me, and you I write ... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

If I were you what set me apart If you were truly true not a rat You say its love not from above Above all left me climbing a wall And that’s not all yes when I fall For I am not you and will never be Quit complaining for tha... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

I will write a poem do you care Not about me I fear Should I write about the community That wouldn't do its unity I know from the soul well that’s bold Know one will tell its untold unsold Noises in my head people are being we... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Are they confused or just refuse well know that is no excuse Making his bid for the presidency indeed he won't be defused In case you have forgotten old Trump was once king infused The race he vowed has not been run he will do it j... Read more

Morning Birds

poem by msbellepoetry43

MORNING BIRDS PLEASE Open your eyes, Make one with the DAY, and see the SUNRISE This your DAY to START OFF RIGHT, Once your DAY is OVER, you RESET the WHOLE NIGHT. Your ANITICIPATION is to have a GREAT DAY, As your... Read more

Night Owls

poem by msbellepoetry43

For all the NIGHT OWLS of the DARK OF NIGHT!!! Staying out LATE gives you such a DELIGHT. Going to PARTIES, to the CLUBS, and the BARS Being a NIGHT OWL, is WHAT you are. Living the NIGHT LIFE is HOW YOU ROLL, Being... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

Funny how time passes by where do the good times go She said to me why do you pin yourself to the house I chuckled to myself I should have answered tired of going South Yes, I have been North not to mention East, and I have been We... Read more


poem by Kenvil Atkins

They came prepared for war please don’t ask me what for Yes what I saw I relate that’s for sure and nothing more They form a little band all converse near the back door Pointing to the light fixtures they planned to rebuild the... Read more

When Pigs Fly

poem by msbellepoetry43

When Pigs Fly, They Fly high, Up in the sky, As the birds Fly by. It's not natural, but This is true, If the Pig flies, it's Because you prompt it to. So, sky high and touch the sky, And glance in the skies, And watch th... Read more

McDonald's Ice Cr...

poem by msbellepoetry43

NOTE: Not trying to be mean, but I'm just saying!!! But, not All of them though!!!! Summer is around the corner, so BE PREPARED!!! McDonald's ICE CREAM MACHINES is Always BROKEN, now, that ISH is just not FAIR, All I wan... Read more

The Girl Of My Dr...

poem by David P Carroll

Every now and again I have to pinch myself Being married to you and You're all my dream come True yes you The girl of my dreams and I'm truly madly deeply in Love with you. © 2024 David P Carroll. Read more


poem by alexis karpouzos

I know not what tomorrow may unfold, Or where the roads, as yet untrod, may lead; but i know There are no borders, only wind. Like you, I was born. Like you, I was raised in the arms of dreaming. Sometime, We’ll read the meanin... Read more

Triolet Poem: Wed...

poem by msbellepoetry43

Wednesday is over the Hump Day, the day that is centered in the week, Just Leading us all the way, Wednesday is over the Hump Day!! Now, lets cheer Hip, Hip Hooray!!! Come Friday your week is complete. Wednesday is over the Hu... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

It's about time for a much needed VACATION!! To CHILL, to HAVE FUN, but most off, some RELAXATION!! Let go of the FRUSTRATION, BATHE yourself into SATISFACTION!!! Take a BREAK, take a TOUR, go on a TRIP, and so much m... Read more

Nosey Neighbors

poem by msbellepoetry43

NOW, WHO'S THAT I SEE PEEPING around the CORNER?? Oh don't be ALARMED; it's just my NOSEY NEIGHBOR!! They tend to POP UP to see WHAT'S GOING ON, They NEED to MIND THEIR BUSINESS, and move it along. I tend to see them S... Read more

My Life Story

poem by msbellepoetry43

I was born in 79 but lived my life in the 80's My Life was pretty tough and it definitely did faze me I've dealt with ups and I dealt with downs I had a lot of Hardships and had a lot of Frowns I was barely even noticed even... Read more

A Nonsensical Tale

poem by Michael Wise

Exceptionally average on every known scale My life story’s such a nonsensical tale Striving for apathy with passionate zeal all of my flaws I boldly conceal I loudly proclaim my feelings to none and when there is troub... Read more

Good Morning

poem by msbellepoetry43

Good Morning!! Have a Great Day!! I hope that you're happy and starting off in a good way!! I hope No Obstacles won't bring you down!! So, turn that frown into a Smile!! I hope that you have a Wonderful Day!! Now, Put some p... Read more