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story by Durlabh Singh

YAMRAJ. Chotto Ram was a farmer in a small village, with a small land holding. He was trying to make a living out of his land, which he had inherited from his parents. As with most farmers of the district, it was a hard struggl... Read more

Dum Line Fone

lyrics by Dan Murphy

Dum Line Fone By Dan L. Murphy Copyright © 2015, All Rights Reserved / DLMcomics "Next!" I'm the the DMV...... And, at the's all "Take a number, please..." ...But, my num... Read more


lyrics by Dan Murphy

Diabolical By Dan L. Murphy Copyright © 2015, All Rights Reserved / DLMcomics Yes...yes...yes, my Master!... This imp will grant your wish... ...My Master!... ...A deadly, devious disaster... -M... Read more

Ma Dug

poem by marie nugent

MA DUG Ma dug shes wee n broon + aufy smug shifty eyes and pointy lugs i luv that dug the lazy bitch claws like talons and an aufy itch but late at night she snores like hell but up like a shot wen she hear the... Read more

Summer Time is Fi...

poem by Roxanne Dubarry

All during the winter season, our mother would long- for the the summer time to finally come here. "I'm tried of the grey, cloudy winter's skies," she would complain. "....basically I'm a summer person..." Certainly it wa... Read more

This Site

story by Terry Upham

The whole site sucks big time. Read more

Walking Waters

story by Crystal Ashton

The waters from the canopy descended,falling ever so freely beneath my feet. The waters descended without a cloud in the sky. I was soon carried by its force,beneath my feet. Carrying me as a new born with out direction . My feet ... Read more

Life is Life

poem by Leeann Gonzalez

So Life! / Sometimes things happen that are out of your reach. Sometimes you want to change the past, change all the things that you did. Well your regretting your past life is just pasting by. Everyday we live life and f... Read more

Wallie Webster

poem by Joseph Stewart

Wallie Webster Controlled the weather Just by being blue It would start to rain And cause great pain But what was there to do? Wallie Webster Controlled the weather Just by glad The sun would come And we'd have fun Just don... Read more

Log in

lyrics by virgil brown

Log in Log in Today s a brand new day When it starts you pray And ask for more of him Let him shower down his rain Let him wash away the pain Log in Log in Confess your sins Let him wash The filth away I was once... Read more


poem by Joe Breunig

Visionless is no way to be: having sight, yet unable to see. Soul's blindness that's dark and deep indicates your spirit is fast asleep. Use the Word to ignite your inner spark and awaken your slumber by the Lord's Light. To h... Read more

Better watch your...

lyrics by Elizabeth Ladji

Better watch your step bad energy Bad intent Stay as far away as you can get Cause I'm a real go getter And I'm hell bent I'll kill you with kindness Better watch your step you may find my stance surprising but I'm a... Read more

Earthworm Jim: Us...

lyrics by Xander Martin

Spiky tunnel, very spiky Knew I should've worn my Nike Pit of death is beckoning for Me to take the fall and die or Wait up here until I die of starvation and innate fear Maybe I am crazy but I think I know what I should do ... Read more

Grumpy 25....

poem by Deborrah Ann Stenberg

Finding every day groups of poop on the lawn. The newspaper is deposited on the street or the roof. The water company has drastically increased the usage of water. The shower is singing. The faucets are dripping. The washer is le... Read more

घर à¤...

poem by Nadir Hasnain

(बेटी) घर की रौनक़ शान है बेटी ………ममता की प... Read more

Eldon Kozaks Char...

story by eldon kozaks

Eldon was 28 years old & three weeks earlier he meet his girlfriend, Mackenzie Mcphie Lehuquet-Cox in Salt Lake City,Utah. They fell in love together at a Utah Jazz game & Mackenzie started to gain weight to 348 pounds before their Ha... Read more

Give Me The Means...

story by Joseph Fincher

I am currently writing a novel called Give Me The Means (To Believe). I finished writing the first chapter and am about half way done with the second. Please share your opinion on it. This is a rough draft so not everything is perf... Read more

The call-up summo...

story by Haim Kadman

The call-up summons It was almost evening when I've returned home after an exhausting day of work. I thought of eating a light supper, changing and going out to have some fun. I switched on the TV out of curiosity, to know what prog... Read more


story by jo ortix

IT HAPPENED Tracy Morris was at her locker putting her books away. When her best friend Emily Reed came up from behind her ‚So what time do I pick you up tonight?‛ ‚Oww! Dammit Em! You just scared the hell out of... Read more