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story by Karen MacEanruig

FLIGHT FROM OBSESSION CHAPTER I Long legs and short, sun streaked hair along with a ready sense of humor and a deep understanding of her field made Abby a popular professor at Trinity State, but that wasn't making i... Read more

Moonlight Mishap

lyrics by greg woods

Weakly---I cling to my upturned boat, my hands growing numb from the cold. How much longer can I hold on? I shiver convulsively, against the early morning breeze, as another spray of water dampens my clothes. Singing at the top o... Read more

One Ideoligy One ...

story by Alex McEwan

This is the first part of a novel based on the Rhodesian Bush war in the 1970s I would appreciate any feed back Chapter One Two long wheel based Land Rover topless safaris, both with two rows of seats in the rear, followed by ... Read more

A Serpent's Tail.

story by Durlabh Singh

A SERPENT’S TALE. It is over a year since I moved to this location. Well! a snake has to live somewhere like everyone else and protect his body from elements of heat and cold. It is so hard to find a suitable dwelling no... Read more


story by jo ortix

THE COUGAR PAINTING After wandering round the old Cougar mansion for about an hour. Troy Anderson walked over toward his girlfriend Wendy Gril, and asked “Wendy, can we please get out of here? This place is starting to creep... Read more


story by jo ortix

CAMPSEEK The bus driver growled at them to pipe down, as the bus hit a bump. Causing them to bounce off their seats. Daisy Penguin stared out the window thinking about what her mother. Told her before she got on the bus “N... Read more


story by Durlabh Singh

BRAHMACHARYA “ Brahmacharya or spotless chastity is the best of all penances; a celibate of such spotless chastity is not a human being, but a god indeed...” People are always looking for cures to their physica... Read more

Lost in Love

story by Audrey Snead

The cold of the night would soon arrive. Nate's thighs were beginning to burn from the steep climb, but he pushed on. Night was closing in fast and the air had a bitter chill to it that promised snow. “It's getting fuck... Read more


story by Durlabh Singh

My nostrils get assailed often by a pungent smell, like that of death and decay and yet I do not know whether it is due to my state of mind, which helps to produce these effects or perhaps this advent of smell is from some outside sou... Read more

Looking to build ...

publication by lilly william

Looking to build a website. Order it today from WebhostingsitesIndia where you can have it at just Rs.99. Visit us here at WebhostingsitesIndia, a part of Hosting Raja Company, is one of the top a... Read more

my life

lyrics by Taylor Miller

my life my mom my dad my brothers my sisters my body this is my life.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read more

The Nothing Poem

poem by Rachel Cartwright

I want to write a poem But I don't know what to write Usually I get inspiration At this time of night But I guess I can't write a poem Cause now I'm too tired But if I ever write one I hope you get inspired Thi... Read more

An Angel's Halo P...

story by J.J Blake

Chapter one: Voices in the wind. It all began the day my mother told my siblings and I our family secret. She began by telling us the tale of our kind. How full-blooded angels came down to earth and forgot their duty, havi... Read more


story by L.C. SCOTT

3/23/11 DAYS WITH THE CRAZYS Written by L.C. SCOTT I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but h... Read more

It Was Earth

story by William Propsner

1. It was Earth by William P. Propsner I was anxious for this trip. Not just for my own pleasure and thrill of adventure, but for all of the remnants of the human race. The year was 5854. A few decades after t... Read more

An Ode to the Lyr...

publication by Tadaram Maradas

For Promotional Purposes only No resale or production of Lyrics authorized after purchase of book without permission of the Maradas firm. The Maradas firm retains all Copyrighted and intellectual property rights for the Poem Lyrics in... Read more