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Solitary moment.

poem by Christopher Russon

It is such a lovely Decembers Day All my cares have flown away A squirrel runs along my fence Then jumps down on my garden bench. The crows are many they are nearby They spread there wings and away they fly All is quiet their ... Read more

Hell on Earth

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

I age, But I am not a "respected elder". Just an aging, Bald man, Incapable of giving a beautiful woman That treasured orgasm she desires. The Earth becomes more desiccated Natural resources are becoming more limited. People ... Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

I’m aware of my own aging process, But everyone else is aging too. Then, Even if most of the people in my neighborhood Are younger than myself, The United States is an aging nation. Our president is really “decrepi... Read more

Where Has My Prof...

poem by R.T. Aquinas

I'm sure it was here the other day And now it has disappeared Has anyone seen my profile? You'd think it'd be just here. "Do you know where it's hiding?" Is all I can think to say. It was here one day, but now it's not Yet so... Read more

I am odd

poem by David Mitchell

They say that I am odd Funny Weird and strange But I do not feel peculiar or mental Or insane They say I have a weird walk and talk And they say I am a clown But if I was the clown they speak of Why do I always frown? They s... Read more

Dogma and Karma

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

There is a common humorous bumper sticker.... "My karma ran over your dogma". President Trump believes in DOGMA... Not "karma". Will his dogma Triumph over humanity's collective karma? Can a dog run over a truck? Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

With our computers. We still have to keep all sexually explicit content In "drawers" Just as we did When we were kids And we didn't want our parents to know What we we're looking at. The proliferation of sexy images Has not ... Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

With our computers. We still have to keep all sexually explicit content In "drawers" Just as we did When we were kids And we didn't want our parents to know What we we're looking at. The proliferation of sexy images Has not ... Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

They show you What they think you want to see. They tell you What they think you want to hear. They write What they think you want to know, And they call it "Reality". Most of It Isn't even close. Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

2018 Was primarily a year During which Humanity Fought over the scraps, And these scraps Are becoming increasingly meager Due to Climate Change. Many people Think Donald Trump is a good President 'Cause he's trying to mak... Read more

Half A Brain

poem by Cecilia Crasto

Limerick: If my friend needed a brain Like a drought needs the rain Without a whinge or a whine He can have half of mine Even though I am insane. PS. Written especially for my good friend Frank Hornby!! Read more

Losing My Mind

poem by Misti D Lovelace

Life is never what it seems Normal is only in your dreams Happy was long ago, back when I didn't know Ignorance is bliss It is something that I miss I have something that will not let go. I have known it all along I grew up w... Read more

Save me 3's

poem by Jay Shades

I said rack it up Pull it out the bag Can never find a card to break it down Eventually Sensibly I spell out my name with the white stuff that goes straight to your brain Motherfucker am high deliveries till 11 depending... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm trying to think of some words, nothing too absurd to put into some kind of rhyme, I'm sitting at home, struggling to think of a poem, about how can I turn back time. I look at the clock, and hear the tick, tock, so I put two ha... Read more


poem by Christopher Russon

You have found yourself a Genius There is nothing he can't do He could lose himself inside his room And he would write a book or two. You have found yourself a Genius A man of high esteem He can make a lot of money And your l... Read more


poem by Christopher Russon

You have found yourself a Genius There is nothing he can't do He could lose himself inside his room And he would write a book or two. You have found yourself a Genius A man of high esteem He can make a lot of money And your l... Read more

Them Words

poem by FB Lindsey

Them people walking around Looking at them words Holding up them words Smiling at them words Them people sitting over there Flipping through them words Considering all them words ... Read more


poem by FB Lindsey

Thump-thump-thump A foggy haze. Moving bodies It feels warm in here. Or is it just me? Darkness. Then light. Pulsating. Excuse me. My bad. Thump-thump-thump Who is that? Squint. Lean against the rail. Look cool. You want anoth... Read more


poem by Fadrian Bartley

He swallowed the agony of hell And after being through the depth of it’s hallow halls The old rusty thorn squeezed Itself around the heart of him that forsake good, The black blood of his wickedness pouring Out from hi... Read more

The Good Ol' Days

poem by chel scott

Old age, it creeps up slow, then BAM!! It attacks with might, grey hairs, weak bladder, dodgy knees, you may as well give up the fight. Another wrinkle, or maybe two, it might not seem that bad, then you notice your memory goi... Read more