Browse by Pain all

Painful Truth

poem by Charity Stewart

Painful Truth By Charity Stewart Waking up to this pain in my chest. I dodged a lot of bullets but I'm still going need a vest. I'm drowning, I got all this water around my neck. Dying young, wondering if I'm going to be nex... Read more

Time to self love

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

She walked through life with her hands covering her eyes Neglecting to protect her own sanity from the cruel world Tripping over terrors and falling into holes of pain She didn't wanna see any of it Yet neglecting to look, she ... Read more

Are fireworks 'Cr...

poem by Keith Jepson

When I was younger fireworks were fun, But as I got older those days were gone, Roaring fires such joy and games Baking potatoes in white-hot flames, In later years It came to my mind that not all life is of the humankind, What... Read more

Her Hero

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

He was her hero Every call Every cry She thought he protected her from all Idolized him into this untouchable figure No one could hurt him, no one could hurt her Yet many people hurt her And many people got away But he... Read more

Mocha in the Morn...

poem by SpikeFox 87

He was not at all a special guy Nothing extraordinary or worthy of noting But I remember a few things about him that made him unforgettable For one I remember those eyes of his, deep brown, like mocha in the morning I ... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

My cold, numb shadow stretched beyond the willow tree, far in the distance. Long and rigid like a Frankenstein, unknowing to the passersby, should there be any...this is not a monster. My strides elongate at this thought. Perception. ... Read more


poem by Silver Ag

If comfort costed the label of a traitor Then I'd gladly be one And if it meant hurt later Then I'm sure she'd endure it with me like none. Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

Who are you? The elusive father of they I search for they day after day Who are you? So elusive keep your babies at bay Do you think of us missing ones in your day? Who am I? The one who natures when mine cry. Who am I? The... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

If my world and your world could align. If there could be a better design. Where love and hate meet, ready for the battle... The sound of deafening drums, beating to a rhythm, of a song so ancient lost, telling of a season, when world... Read more

Longing for your ...

poem by Alice inwonderland

I wish I knew how my hand felt in yours... When it's cold, does it give you warmth? I hold my own, but feel nothing. My own hand is useless to me. Your hand, I long for, To hold me tight, To make my own hand feel like it belongs... Read more

The woman hiding ...

poem by Gemma Marsh

That lady who covers her face with her hair , As she notices your new bundle in your pushchair, “What is she doing ?” You think in your head No knowledge that her baby is dead, As you walk past a pain fills her ... Read more

Love and Lies

poem by Anthony Blake

Butterfly woman Lemonade & blood stained floors Sour reunion Girl full of honey Wake before the rain of hurt Rise above sorrow Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

She can finally look me in the face She can finally look me in the face So much harsh judgement misplaced I don't see the hate when I see her face She can finally look me in the face She can finally look me in the face ch... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

Honesty since the beginning of us Would have been the savior of us Honesty.... can still be the savior What the fuck happened? So many tongue ties So many lies Why can't we just have trust By looking in our dark shaded ...bro... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

We planned for you to be born From my arms torn I planned that ring And now I feel like a used up thing I thought the whole day with you son Just two hours guess its better than one In reality I don't know what time you have lef... Read more

Helplessly Watchi...

poem by Gemma Marsh

Back in September 2020 just a began a normal day, You don’t know how it will end so they say, And before I knew it a tragedy struck, My brave boy Liam filled with bad luck, After me drinking tea whilst sat at a friends Ju... Read more

He's Lonely Tonig...

poem by David P Carroll

She's lonely tonight Crying under the moonlight And loneliness hurts you so much And it kills you deep inside And you feel empty every day Crying every night kissing And holding my pillow tight Wishing she was her tonight To... Read more

Easy to say

poem by Andrew Dietrich

It means so much but its easy to say You've never had to stay away I'd always keep it that way Memories can always stay realities Theres so much I have to say You don't understand having to be away I have no power over any of... Read more

Louisiana Saturd...

poem by Andrew Dietrich

I brought you to my hollowed ground Where the red cheeked Andrew played around I brought you to my hollowed ground Where my great great grandmothers soul watched and smiled down I brought you to my hollowed ground Where wild mag... Read more

Seven pounds

poem by Andrew Dietrich

That movie always struck a nerve A jellyfish is how he was undone I call you little jellyfish my son What does it mean? Daddies heart is too big We have to hope for a savior a hero a little kid. Read more