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LOVE is like a LO...

poem by msbellepoetry43

LOVE is Like a SONG!! Got me SINGING all day LONG!!  A SONG you can't  get off your MIND!!,  A MELODY so SWEET  A SERENADE  you SHALL FIND, The TUNE is so CALM, The SOUND is so SOOTHING. You will SWAY to the MUSIC, IT w... Read more

LOVE Story

poem by msbellepoetry43

When you are in LOVE!!! you cannot help but SHOW!!! When it is HEAD OVER HEELS, you will definitely KNOW!!! If they don't feel the same, then just LET THEM GO!!! LADIES, He will arrive so, just wait on your BEA... Read more

Twilight Zone

poem by msbellepoetry43

I done entered the TWILIGHT ZONE!!! What the HELL is going on??? How'd I get here??? Something IS DEFINITELY WRONG!!! I'm seeing CRAZY THINGS, that I should not see, HUMANS WITH DOG HEADS or maybe it's just me. This is a TR... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

It's about time for a much needed VACATION!! To CHILL, to HAVE FUN, but most off, some RELAXATION!! Let go of the FRUSTRATION, BATHE yourself into SATISFACTION!!! Take a BREAK, take a TOUR, go on a TRIP, and so much m... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

NOTE: Some poeple are like this, you need to let them be. Like a VIAL of TOXICANTS!! Do not try to CONSUME ME, because I am made of POISON!!! You just didn't see When you DIED, I didn't CHOOSE TO KILL YOU, IT was the DEST... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

NOTE: They say Change is Good. When you Change your Lifestyle, Your Way of Living, and carry yourself in a positive perspective, people will take it to notice!!! You seem so Different, you are just not the same, I am starting t... Read more

A Reflection of O...

poem by msbellepoetry43

Look into the MIRROR, and What do you see??? A REFLECTION of the INDIVIDUAL that "YOU!" have come to BE!! Do you LOVE, CHERISH and RESPECT YOURSELF??? You are your only 'YOU!!!" ALONE, and NOBODY ELSE!! Just look... Read more

All that Glitters

poem by msbellepoetry43

Don't be BAMBOOZLED, by a PRETTY FACE, or a HANDSOME GUY, Oh for Goodness Sakes!! Beauty is skin deep, and we all should know, that ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT REALLY GOLD!! HE has a NICE SMILE!!, SHE has a NICE SHAPE, H... Read more

Different Moods

poem by msbellepoetry43

MOODY, GLOOMY, with such an ATTITUDY!!!, seeing you are in a BAD MOOD, explains why you having a TUDE!! I see you are having a BAD DAY, someone has RUB YOU THE WRONG WAY!!!, someone has gotten UNDER YOUR SKIN!... Read more

I'm Tired of thes...

poem by msbellepoetry43

I AM TIRED of these TEARS, I just want to MOVE ON!! I AM not going through this AGONY AGAIN, So, therefore I AM GONE!!!! I HAVE shed many of TEARS; I HAVE gone through so MUCH SORROW; I felt like there was NO HOPE, I'm look... Read more

The Sun Shines Br...

poem by msbellepoetry43

The Sun Shines Bright; not a Cloud in the Sky!! The Birds are soaring, as Airplanes fly by. A BEAUTIFUL DAY?? WHY IT CERTAINLY IS!! the SUN beaming down SUNRAYS WOW!! What BEAUTY it GIVES The SUN SHINES BRIGHT!! the SKIE... Read more

An Ode to The Rea...

poem by msbellepoetry43

To the Associates, Acquaintances, Companions, and Friends. For The Real Ones that are out There; Let this Friendship never End!! A Dependable, Authentic, and Trustworthy Friend. The one that I could Count on, Lean on, and ... Read more

I'll see you in m...

poem by msbellepoetry43

I will say my Prayers, and hope to Sleep Tight!! because, In my DREAMS is a STRONG, AND COURAGEOUS KNIGHT!!! He will Fight Dragons, Sorcerers, and Evils of all kind. A KNIGHT OF VALOR, will suit the KINGDOM JUST FINE... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

Let's talk about those BOTS!! Now Shall We??? They are really doing the most; Do you Agree??? They be doing things that you JUST WON'T BELIEVE!! Asking for MONEY, and TRYING TO SCHEME!!! They send FRIEND REQUEST, an... Read more

Nosey Neighbors

poem by msbellepoetry43

NOW, WHO'S THAT I SEE PEEPING around the CORNER?? Oh don't be ALARMED; it's just my NOSEY NEIGHBOR!! They tend to POP UP to see WHAT'S GOING ON, They NEED to MIND THEIR BUSINESS, and move it along. I tend to see them S... Read more

Journey away from...

poem by msbellepoetry43

I dealt with Hurt, with pain, and with sorrow, I didn't think I'd ever see a brand new tomorrow I needed a Trip, just to get away From the center of my sorrows, to see a brighter day This was a much needed Journey; I need... Read more

My Childhood Neig...

poem by msbellepoetry43

Our House was white and yellow, it was so very pretty. We mainly lived on a street that was loud and busy, I had a lot of friends, they were funny and silly. We would Play Hide-and-Seek, and also Play Tag, I shall always... Read more

My Life Story

poem by msbellepoetry43

I was born in 79 but lived my life in the 80's My Life was pretty tough and it definitely did faze me I've dealt with ups and I dealt with downs I had a lot of Hardships and had a lot of Frowns I was barely even noticed even... Read more

Let's Kick It

poem by msbellepoetry43

SIT BACK, and RELAX, and Take a CHILL PILL!! Just Calm yourself DOWN, take a BREATHER, BE STILL!!! You need to Take it EASY, and Be at EASE, DON'T HAVE NO WORRIES, COME CHILL WITH ME!! TAKE a load off your FEET, LET... Read more


poem by msbellepoetry43

Your VOICE BOUNCING OFF WALLS Like BELLS RINGING IN YOUR HEAD!! You are so LOUD that you could WAKE UP THE DEAD!! WHY are you SHOUTING, do you have to be so LOUD?? You Making a BIG SCENE, ESPECIALLY AROUND CROWDS!! You're g... Read more