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story by Durlabh Singh

The night has been oppressive and Sharat has been dreaming, feverish dreams. He has been dreaming of alchemical ingredients. Mercury has been taking horrendous shapes and these shapes have been attacking him fiercely but whenever he t... Read more

More than he dese...

publication by Kingsley White

1) He saw her, she was perfect, she blew his mind away. She was everything he wished for forever and a day. Her mind, and her beauty, he saw in every curve, she loved him very much,, much more than he deserved. 2) Her s... Read more


story by Durlabh Singh

My nostrils get assailed often by a pungent smell, like that of death and decay and yet I do not know whether it is due to my state of mind, which helps to produce these effects or perhaps this advent of smell is from some outside sou... Read more

Believe it or not...

story by Deborrah Ann Stenberg

Across the quiet and darkened bar, she notices someone staring at her while she’s enjoying an ice, cold beer. She keeps herself busy with writing a new story, yet continues to glance in the direction of the pony tail, stranger.... Read more