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poem by Daniel Moskowitz

I don't take poetry As seriously as I once did. The younger generation Is going to have to try To save the world, But how are they going to do it? All the news Has to do with economics. They only mention climate change, And ... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

In the horror she looks to the sky she realizes she understands she knows; she is dying. she is slipping away faster then most. she is falling into unknown hands she knows it she feels it she fears it. She ... Read more

I am odd

poem by David Mitchell

They say that I am odd Funny Weird and strange But I do not feel peculiar or mental Or insane They say I have a weird walk and talk And they say I am a clown But if I was the clown they speak of Why do I always frown? They s... Read more

The Map

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

We have difficulty Putting environmental issues On the "political map" Because we don't realize that we're actually SITTING On the only real "map"..... The Earth itself. Read more


poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

Life is a mystery ‑ We can’t track its history It may seem to start at birth and seem to end at death But what seems to be life’s end… is but a bend to transcend Body, mind and soul are what make life ... Read more

I am not I. Who a...

poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

I am not who I am! I have a body, but am I the body? I have a mind, but am I the mind? I have an ego, but am I the ego? Who is the me that I am? Am I a butterfly? No that’s not me. Am I a bee? No that’s not me. ... Read more

Undiscovered Poet

poem by Mario Walker

My name is Mario, I know yall may not know me yet, but you will soon. I got poetry for days, stacked on my Youtube playlist, ready to be viewed by millions. I have been writing for almost 8 years, and I know it's time to turn my ... Read more

The Future

poem by Sarah Feldmann

It sometimes a scary thing Though it is also wonderful It’s a mystery yet to be solved A part of the story that has yet to unfold The unknown is both terrifying and beautiful isn’t it?   Read more


poem by Kayleigh Blower

How can you love what was never loved. How can you love what was never given to be loved. How can you love what was never found. How can you love what was never lived. How can you love what was never protected. How can you love ... Read more

Push hard

poem by Kayleigh Blower

I push and push and push but you never fall. I accept you and all but you don't accept the fact i accept. I push and push and push but you never fall. Open yours and you will see. No faith is not a game. You need to believe bef... Read more


poem by Unburdened Thinking

The past is defined, Stagnant and asleep...absence, The future is unknown, Distant and intangible...anxiety, But the present, The present is infinity, The present is endless possibilities, The present is emotion, In its raw an... Read more


poem by Unburdened Thinking

The last dregs of sanity, Stripped from my core, Descent into madness, Imminent, I crave release, Absolute undoing, And yet, On each adventure, Lured by promises of freedom, I return, To the cage, From which I first escaped. Read more

What Is Life

poem by Gauri Sharma

What is life? a question in every mind, justified by many... yet I was never satisfied After years I realized.. it's not even a question, but... a never ending test, a test whose solution is TIME. a test of never ending qu... Read more


poem by Nihil

Sorrow Pain Restless Nights In strain of endless fights. There is a flow in the being, holding thoughts, ideas, emotions - leading to unknown draught. Vast majority of us is being torn with it, it blinding, feeding off thoughts... Read more

They Don't Unders...

poem by Rosita Nieve

They want me to speak Words fall from my lips Icicles, snowflakes My breath rips A cold harsh winter Wind whipping, lashing, Severing fragile things Each question Posing a threat To the winter storm Swirling within my heart... Read more

The world

poem by Halley Davis

Sand edges banks of tiredly climbing waves and my heels feel relief. No stepping harder now on the softly spoken ground when laying head on fallen leaves. Don't pain me says the grass dont betray me says the trees I will stand... Read more

Chapter 27

poem by Stone Fox

Seated beneath the shade while engaged in a pleasant conversation, he gazed fixedly on the horizon. “So strange. This distance, can it truly be real?” He suddenly exclaimed in a bellow more so to himself. The scen... Read more

Tasseled Dreams

poem by Stone Fox

Tasseled Dreams The thought of the future we will never have was pollinating foul fuzzy particles in the air, slowly following the wake of all those tasseled dreams I held onto to for far too long. The most intimate revelatio... Read more

Knickers To The S...

poem by Jay Shades

Startled by your illustrious ways There's a shock and awe factor Move them to the side. Am in a daze. Bending my mind to what am inclined Whilst in a chair that's reclined . Your blowing my...mind . Deliberations delibera... Read more

Do you wonder

poem by Kayleigh Blower

Wen they do so much to get you, that wen they have they don't bother anymore. They don't try anymore. Suddenly u dont feel special anymore. Suddenly you wonder are you better than this. you deserve more but dont want it, in fear ... Read more