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Mea Culpa

poem by Geoffrey Brewer

Mea culpa While the sins of others may give pain with which I'm fraught They don't cause me unceasing distress that lingers within It's those things that I did but should not have, or didn't but ought That nag me in the wee smal... Read more

Modern Woman You ...

poem by Jay Shades

Have you ever noticed that beautiful woman ? who has remained single for years. In this day and age of technology to hand, there are different ways to communicate. Many forms like social media. Begs a question don't it . The quest... Read more


poem by Theresa Taylor

Just shoot already What are you waiting for?! You're a coward standing there, your finger poised and ready Open deaths white door Flood gates are waiting, you hold the key, hold it steady Sever the chains that keep dragging me do... Read more

Past and Present

poem by Cecilia Crasto

As I delve into the archives of my mind What do I seek what will I find Must I forever bring to the surface Things of the past that have no purpose Tomorrow the present will become the past So we seize the moment and will it to l... Read more

My Goddess

poem by

She is beauty to me, of which is beyond compare. She is subtle and true, as I fall into her lair. She is everything I want, and everything I need, She is the darkness and light, my sunshine indeed. She is evil and pure, and glowin... Read more

Yellow House Man

poem by Alice inwonderland

The man in the hat, by the window, he laughs at me In the yellow house As I dwell in my misery Yes he laughs at me Why so miserable, he smiles The black crows circle by He stands still, unmoving Are you really there? Am I ... Read more

Britain Breaking

poem by Gerry Legister

We must correct this inequality Of Britain reaching breaking point, Wheezing out gestures of Apollinaire identity, The philosophy has invited everyone to comment. Leave so quickly and make everything changes Surpasses restra... Read more

Unknown Future

poem by Gerry Legister

There is indifference if I fail by trying But there is jubilation if I finally succeed, To persuade contrast faces quietly marveling With kindness to those who are in need. There is love and sometimes there is peace, The unknow... Read more

Mecury sets

poem by Jeff Pate

Who in heaven's name do you think you are? A facet of the divine? Pure love that dreamt? An ocean in a ripple of light? How dare you be the One that begat Two!! With an idea of cosmic proportions. The man had a nightmare. W... Read more

The Ghost of Mary...

poem by Tiffany Holt

Tick tock goes the clicking clock, as time goes by I hear a knock. I get up and answer the door, to find a women her dress was tore. She had a joint hanging from her lips, I said come in she was still taking hits. She offered me ... Read more

Have I Made a Dif...

poem by Rod Moffat

Have I Made a Difference? Coming to grips with the realities of life’s ambitions Is there a rule to have to make decisions? Is life a quest to make a difference Is it how to justify our existence? Or is life just an il... Read more

The Trist Sage

poem by Howard Williams

The composer is the alchemist! Labouring long into the night: Mixing music – Making brand new melodies Into grand old memories… Then with friends Or all alone He adds and blends the magic of words. I ... Read more

Poopoo in Shoe Th...

poem by Katie Lodge

I took a poo inside of a shoe Wiggle wobble wiggle wobble Wiggle wobble way I am very very gay Poopy doopy lovely shoe Now my foot smells like poo I put foot inside of shoe Foot went squish when it eccountered pile of poo sti... Read more

Last Call or No C...

poem by Hassan Saadi

Last night I had a dream about a life so cruel, I mean a nigga really tryna make it out is school. Keeping up appearances ain't so cool, when ur life on the line; this nigga ain't a fool. But trying to talk him out, will only get y... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

Embellished jewels emblazoned on bronze, His silver sword, A token to hold. Shinning metal, glimmering on gold, Her silver locket, Kept safe in her pocket. Silken satin flowing softly on air, Their prized medallion, A Satu... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

I don't understand, where am I? She cried! “My dear, isn't it obvious?..You've died!” No. It can't be. I'm not ready to leave. My dear, it is time, accept it and grieve. Time? But what time is it? When... Read more


poem by Sarah Butler

I seem to be More in love with your Memory Than I ever was With you Read more


poem by Jim blaney

What's it about this Halloween I believe it's quite obscene Black magic and incantation This pagan celebration Wear your costumes to impress Attending parties in ur fancy dress Ur children dress up in ur street Knock on doo... Read more


poem by Jim blaney

What's it about this Halloween I believe it's quite obscene Black magic and incantation This pagan celebration Wear your costumes to impress Attending parties in ur fancy dress Ur children dress up in ur street Knock on doo... Read more

changing the tick...

poem by Maria Allred

Why does everything stay the same Why cant we change this ticking hour But time has been tamed No longer is it sour and always changing For we want it to be a constant thing But the only thing constant is change So why cant we ... Read more