Browse by Riddle all

I Just Can't Expl...

poem by juwon okunade

A pen to a paper would not do me enough justice In my world Words are not my method of communication I look around and see I feel what I right You know I right what I feel Look looky I try I swear sometimes I do I lie s... Read more

What it takes

poem by ryan barger

Annoyed and hollow Worthless and insane Foolish These words define life Am I wise? I think not very But wiser than some Call me slightly annoyed Call me too hollow Call me not worthless Call me sometimes foolish Call me not... Read more

I Hide Between Wo...

poem by Beth Hughes

27 May 2015 23:45 My strong belief that all will turn out fine Is the one thing that truly i possess That i am etched in to the grand design averts me from such torrents of distress. When muses visit midnight dreams of la... Read more

The JC Show ( or ...

poem by Conor Patrick

The JC Show (or My interpretation of the Bible) It happened a long time ago, when His magic was first seen, He'd wow the crowds with His show, the bearded Nazarene, The word went round about this dude, they asked about His name, ... Read more

Even Steven

poem by Dan Murphy

Even Steven By Dan L. Murphy Copyright © 2015, All Rights Reserved / DLMcomics Even Steven breathin' treason, grievin' leavin' reason He took the captain's hook inside and, now the captain's steamin' ... Read more


poem by Anne McNamara

Imagine a world where humans can't talk, we can see, we can breathe, we can run, we can walk. We cant eat with knives, We can't eat with forks. In order to survive we hunt and we stalk. We can't be false and we can't lie. W... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Rain falls, Hitting me hard. Tears from my eyes. Thunder roars, Shaking me entirely. Deep in my chest. Lightning strikes, Slashing my heart. Ending my pain. Read more


poem by nana woods

When I see you I see the judgement you hold within. When I see him I don't have to look very far to see the judgement he shares freely. But when I see her, I don't see the judgement she may have for others. I see t... Read more

by any means nece...

poem by chanel bell



poem by nana woods

Do you look in your Mirror? Do you see yourself? I do. I see myself in my Mirror; I see what people look at; but then i see what they don't. I see a young beautiful girl; She has sad eyes though; But still there is a smile. I... Read more

I Am The e

poem by Crystal Ashton

I AM THE- E ART I Am the- e art I AM THE-e Latitude measure by your fatigue. I AM THE-e art of gratitude, after going to schnitzel I AM THE-E art with passio... Read more

Race car

poem by Karen Minnie

Turn the key, hear the engine, it's calm, adjust the seat, in drive, hang on. passing others, you will win, i love the thrill, when will it begin. Read more


poem by ashraf kaasamani

Fire aggressive, hungry burning, fearing, cheering future of ashes and dust beat Read more

Tell me what you ...

story by Koapal

I love playing the violin. - Oh my! How nice. I love playing sports with ma mates. - Oh my! How nice. And you? What do you like to do? - Me? You're asking me? Oh, ok. I love people...I mean... I love playing with people..... Read more

The whole circle ...

story by Koapal

I am enough just because I exist. You are enough just for being you. But what does it even matter? We are all one - and one is in everything, there is no beginning or end, no linear time, no mind. There is you, me, universe(... Read more

The 800m Runner

lyrics by Katie Lodge

nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnn... Read more

Fly Lady

lyrics by Keith Jepson

There was a woman who swallowed a fly I don't know why she swallowed the fly Do I?? So she swallowed a spider to catch the fly It caught it and ate it Then gave a big sigh But all the commotion upset her gut And she wandered ab... Read more

Katie Lodge is so...

lyrics by Katie Lodge

Katie Lodge Oh yes Katie Lodge She is so sexy Oh yes ever so sexy. Whoho woho Woho wo I like to see her in the morning She is ever so sexy Oh yah Katie Lodge Read more


publication by Jay Shades

My mind wonders. Here and now ,full of excuses I see through your madness, energy levels elevate up and down. body's warm, mind is focused, Semantics twisting through regressed states of fancy. All you want, topsy turvy comes to m... Read more