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The view from my ...

poem by Victoria Payne

'The view from my bed' The view from my bed As pain pours through my head Vision is blurred Voices are slurred The pillows feel hard My view of things marred As night turns to day Can't shift my dismay I toss and I tur... Read more

Gonna be one of t...

poem by Victoria Payne

'Gonna be one of those days' Gonna be one of those days When everything hurts Where my head's in a daze And my aches feel their worst Gonna be one of those days Where my eyes even sting In my bed I must laze To my pillow I... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

" Lonliness is a miserable feeling, felt amongst a bustling crowd, paranoia sends your mind a reeling, imagine floating on a windswept cloud, So like the magicians sleight of hand, playing tricks on an already confused mind. Sudden... Read more

The Bag Lady

poem by Frank Hornby .

"She limps so slowly, along a Liverpool Street, with all her possessions in a rusty old pram, nobody seems to even notice her, nobody seems to give a damn, jobless, and homeless, blisters bleeding on her aching feet, each day a lo... Read more

Battle Inside

poem by Josephina DeGraeve

Why oh why should I change? You are mine this way. Aren’t you happy? Aren’t I helping you? Yes and no. Why does it have to be Difficult? Terrifying? Loving? And more? We have known each other for eternity. ... Read more

Dark Rose's Soul

poem by Josephina DeGraeve

Dark Rose's Soul Mysteries surround me day and night creating fright My language actions mind and thoughts don't portray who I am really. Do you think you deserve to know that much? to crawl into my world of darkness ... Read more


poem by John Pegg

House where is your heart? It blazes with warmth in the fireplace hearth, But now lies dead in a cold ash bed as my family departs. House where are your eyes? It looks to where the future lies. My windows once bright glazed and... Read more

Empty nest..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"We first set up our home in a little two up, two down, just me, and my wife Mary, in Liverpool our home town. Soon along came our two daughters....tiny hands, tiny feet, everything was just perfect, our family now complete. So ma... Read more

This Boy..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"With a sad, and troubled frown, this boy seldom cried, behind the mask of a smiling clown, his true feelings he did hide. This boy was arrogant, rough...even sometimes lewd, to many people that knew him, sometimes this boy was b... Read more

Wishful thinking

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Hello dad, it's been many, many years, I've thought of you quite often, and cried a bucketful of tears, I know that you were a seaman, who sailed the seven seas, but where were you dad, when I had scrapes on my little knees? I wi... Read more


poem by Mysterious Poet

Sweet sounds have fluttered away from my ears, And hope dies right infront of my eyes. Depression stalks me, snickering menacingly. Never ending sorrow chokes me half to death. Every piece of joy scurries away from me. Sobs flood... Read more

Poetry Plea

poem by Geoffrey Brewer

POETRY PLEA There was a time when every word and phrase Each sentence stanza paragraph and verse Was written, offered with clarity to our gaze Whether simple, complex, extravagant or terse Crafted in empyreal structure did they... Read more

Earth Abides

poem by John Pegg

There are weeds and grasses growing now, Where the roses used to be. The trees are wild and wanton, Where once flowers bloomed fair and free. A wild woodland, a rank and rampant waste. The verdant vegetation has long forgotten, ... Read more

Eleanor, My Love.

poem by John Pegg

The house loves you Eleanor, as soon as you came. It only had to see you Eleanor, hear your very name. And within its structure, it knew you loved it the same. You belonged to the house, Eleanor, it wants your very soul. To posses... Read more

Doctor Izabela

poem by Geoffrey Brewer

Sonnet for Dr Izabela From Baltic coast you ventured on a quest As England's forebears came in ages past From Hanseat haven voyaged to the west But not in conquest save perhaps of hearts You brought no strife but tender lov... Read more

The foundling..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"A desperate young mother, pain etched upon her sad face, leaves a tiny little bundle in a leafy hiding place. With a sadness in her heart, and sorrow in her eyes, she abandons her helpless baby, in a cold damp undergrowth he lies,... Read more

Ah, well....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I've got bad news," the foreman said, "We've got to finish you up," those words still echo inside my head, my mind went numb, I couldn't believe my ears, you can't sack me! I've been here three years! He's made a mistake, he can... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I took a stroll through Sefton Park sat,and gazed across the lake, the pigeons, ducks, and graceful swans, what a beautiful site they make. Golden leaves blew in the autumn wind, they rustled, and swirled about the ground, I sat a... Read more

It hurts

poem by linda lopez

In case you do not understand what happens to me You do not understand that your words hurt   :( That it's done to deserve this. That I only know you loved enough.   It hurts to know that I'm the only one who really falls in l... Read more


poem by graham jenkinson

In the Darkness He follows me along the dark streets of my mind I hear his footsteps following closely behind He plays with my thoughts and lives in my dreams He is the quiet voice that calls out to me Whispering in my ear t... Read more