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Violet violins

poem by Alice inwonderland

A little lion lay by the water. Waiting. His shadow drizzled in the waters face. A little deer lay by the water. Waiting. Her shadow hid in the lions embrace. Violet violins, the sound of lavendar bells. The lion stays still in the de... Read more

Longing for your ...

poem by Alice inwonderland

I wish I knew how my hand felt in yours... When it's cold, does it give you warmth? I hold my own, but feel nothing. My own hand is useless to me. Your hand, I long for, To hold me tight, To make my own hand feel like it belongs... Read more

A Blooming Flower

poem by Seymour Wilsfarrow

The flowers start to bloom this time of year An occasion for the rise of Spring The time to grow, to love The flower shows us a beauty that we thrive for in ourselves But as time goes on the flower wilts The beauty fades, the lov... Read more

No Matter What

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

She was crying out trying to reach her friend But she was running off the deep end Her head in the clouds chasing men She watched her friend spiral so bad She tried to help but it made her mad So she stepped back and remov... Read more

The woman hiding ...

poem by Gemma Marsh

That lady who covers her face with her hair , As she notices your new bundle in your pushchair, “What is she doing ?” You think in your head No knowledge that her baby is dead, As you walk past a pain fills her ... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

She can finally look me in the face She can finally look me in the face So much harsh judgement misplaced I don't see the hate when I see her face She can finally look me in the face She can finally look me in the face ch... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Screaming why at the world Screaming everyday WHY WHY WHY When I'm not hearing the monitors I'm hearing my screams My tears falling Losing my voice Still whispering Why Read more

In that room

poem by Andrew Dietrich

When can I go back to that room? How soon? My son he karate kicks now His mom roars instead of meows How long How soon Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

Honesty since the beginning of us Would have been the savior of us Honesty.... can still be the savior What the fuck happened? So many tongue ties So many lies Why can't we just have trust By looking in our dark shaded ...bro... Read more

What if

poem by Andrew Dietrich

What if? My plans always involved him and you My family torn apart my heart in two My plans always involved him and you I was always down for a d.a.d number two This is all wrong. We were supposed to go home We were supposed t... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

Maybe I need to wake up I'm still in denial Typing in your number but I can't dial I thought we were going home Those 4 walls I wanted someone to talk to us alone I wanted to do peoms on a picnic That was supposed to be our d... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

We planned for you to be born From my arms torn I planned that ring And now I feel like a used up thing I thought the whole day with you son Just two hours guess its better than one In reality I don't know what time you have lef... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

So many things to be talked about So many changes So much time has passed I'm gassed I miss my boy I miss my flame My mind is spinning again and again. Read more

Wedding day

poem by Andrew Dietrich

I looked in her eyes and new it would be ok On the faithful wedding day It hasn't even been a year since that day And even though everything isn't ok I still wish I could have back that day I never thought her curls her big bro... Read more

Wheeping clouds

poem by Andrew Dietrich

Son these dark clouds with rain I weep with them again. Read more

Wheeping clouds

poem by Andrew Dietrich

Son these dark clouds with rain I weep with them again. Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

All I can do is call Hey how are yall I need to be there And I still can't be near The ball is not in my court I need support. Read more

Helplessly Watchi...

poem by Gemma Marsh

Back in September 2020 just a began a normal day, You don’t know how it will end so they say, And before I knew it a tragedy struck, My brave boy Liam filled with bad luck, After me drinking tea whilst sat at a friends Ju... Read more

Scorpions no one ...

poem by Andrew Dietrich

Your song. I listened to every lyric Both the woman and man Their lyrics hit me. I'm at a loss for words. It was beautiful. The name of the poem is what I've been on. No one like my red velvet cake. Read more

I know you ain't ...

poem by Andrew Dietrich

I know you ain't talking Every suv same make and model is that you stalking? Do I shout or cry Do I hug or run I remember playing cops and robbers.... That was more than fun Enjoy the music enjoy the ride.... The way this hap... Read more