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Always willing

poem by Andrew Dietrich

As a cat or a snowman I always wanted to be your husband If the truth came out the first day Or our sons birthday I just wanted the truth So I could love you And not half of you Even through all this pain I still want you to ... Read more

What If

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Those words cut deep Replaying as I try to sleep They made me smile But just for a while What if that's how we met? Exchanged pain of secrets kept. Maybe we would know better How much our hearts needed a sweater Th... Read more

Thanks Pondrin

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

Two zero one five That's when I learned To ponder Two zero one three That's when I started To write Two zero two one That's when it became My only Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

I never have this problem Shooting a blank But not the blank you are tying to think I mean typing and thinking of nothing Rambling to keep my mind on something I hear a coo. It reminds me of you Its not you. Its your cousin. I... Read more

Monday, June 28th

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I always talked about leaving this state Under these terms I'm scared There is no one out there I hope they say no They say "he won't need it" Monday they'll tell us They said they might fly us out there We will be gon... Read more

Green light

poem by Andrew Dietrich

I see the green light Its the only hope I ever get That to those important they won't forget I see the green light I try with all my might I can't speak I get weak When I see the green light My heart gets tight When I see ... Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

They can put their hand on my shoulder The pain and anger carries over Family isn't making this go away Not like she could back in the day. Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

OH BOY LOOK THE SUN IS OUT What is everyone smiling about My mind is getting filled with doubt Will he ever get out What if I can't be there If the bad things happen. Read more


poem by Andrew Dietrich

Your beats don't match mine or hers Yours like to beat in not twos but thirds We knew you'd struggle we wanted you no matter what we heard. Daddies weight is low sometimes words get a little slurd. Its hard keeping stuff down dad... Read more

I'm sorry

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I thought I saved you Finally free from that dark hole I just wanted to bring you happiness All I did was make your dark hole bigger I've failed you And broke that promise to mom.. I'm sorry. I wanted this for so long And it... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

This wasn't the plan It's funny because we made one Literally mapped it out. Not prepared for all the troubles But we had that guideline. And just like this piece of paper It crumpled... And just like our s... Read more


poem by D'Vina Dietrich

A wall that was impenetrable A heart that was untouchable A mind that was overfilled No one was ever to know what lied inside No one was ever getting past the barriers No one no one no one! Someone exploded past it all ... Read more

Stillborn from a ...

poem by Gemma Marsh

Mummy and daddy came up to me, Said there is something for you to see, The showed me a picture and mums belly was round, They Said really soon a baby would be around , I used to feel the baby kick But all of a sudden things chan... Read more

Where's Home

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I don't know which direction to go I'm tired of searching for home I'm lost in the middle of nowhere And there is no one to call My mind is racing Heart is aching But have keep moving Have to smile for these babies We are go... Read more

The Real You

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

I guess I never met you Because I didn't marry you I married my Safe haven My Best friend Yet Some creature was lurking beneath Waiting for a vulnerable moment to jump It jumped more than once But I ... Read more

Not Golden

poem by D'Vina Dietrich

What do I name that feeling It felt like gold pouring over me The warm rays of the sun on my heart I was so full of laughter and smiles Real ones... It was brief, but it happened I remember it so vividly Yet, it hurts so ... Read more

Nine Lives

poem by Alyssa Nolan

I heard that cats have nine lives True or not, who is it to say? Maybe that why they deep dive Because they know they’ll be okay I heard how rains can be a comfort Their drops ring through your window It could give you ... Read more

Do you mind

poem by Mark Moon

I am his priority, I am more than enough, I bring pain and ambition. All goals and wants shadowed by my superiority, Tears wasted trying to look tough, He can’t lose me. I am part of his condition. Screams and insomni... Read more

The Glass House

poem by Mark Moon

I thought I knew pain I knew affliction. The feeling laid stain, Waves with conviction, Scars used to retain. Now each infliction, feels like acid rain, drops of restriction, each one adding strain. Fuel my addiction Each ... Read more

The Sixth Command...

poem by Mark Moon

What is enough ? Define it, I dare you to try, It’s hard, It’s classified. Defining is hard to define, Indulging, engulfing , enforcing. What is hope ? Please share. Read more