Browse by Wishful all


poem by John Salvetti

Her mind is sharp; shown by precision cut lyrics from her lips. I've been searching for something sharp, with which to cut through this loneliness. It is she who holds the dagger and can wield it as she wills. Will she shove it th... Read more


poem by suzie lemons

Your exit is my beginning. Read more


poem by suzie lemons

Life's complicated, but my heart isn't. Read more

The Lily

poem by Taha Hassan

The Lily: I found it swaying, happily among, Its stranger friends, with me laughing along. I hadn’t a clue, how crucial it’d be, To my sanity, love, knowledge and glee. We spent nights and days, talking endless... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"As I sat by the Liverpool museum, overlooking our Great River, the cold December chill made my old bones a shiver. I sat there quietly recalling, my time as a young kid, way back in the 60's of the things that I once did, me, and... Read more

The end of the ni...

poem by Emily

That star can literally be dead Every night you look up into the sky and see the brightest star in the night sky, It's there shining in all its glory Twinkling and orange, But as you admire the brightness of that star, A milli... Read more

The New Look

poem by Gerry Legister

Your hair gathered in creamy layered, Mirror into style where the wind rose, With liquid gold comb brightly flared, Today embraces the color you choose. Where your beauty goes with the glow, Flapping in royalty reigns, we can... Read more

She Wrote

poem by Maddie Fischer

Open your eyes, they’ve been closed for so long, Yonder there’s so much to see. Ruling yourself by such bias insead, Blinded you are unto me. Choosing disdain is the path in your mind, Granted... Read more


poem by Jim Kilduff

Intake of detergent I need it now it's urgent Give me lavender a big supply I'm complex so oversimplify. Have I told you I'm complex See my insides are convex I get vexed easily Like a raging army of clouds So hastily Don'... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Dark winter days, gently the snowflakes falling, oh, those ice cold nights, I hear the the coal fire calling. Soon the clocks go forward, a new season looming, golden daffodils in flower, springtime is now blooming. As the warm d... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm stuck in a time warp, and still I'm just twelve years old, once again I'm playing football, my memories are 24 carat gold. My mind turns back the decades, as Father Time moves on, but it's me running onto that through ball....... Read more

Marry Me

poem by Julius Brian Cruz

Darling where are we?, lost beneath our own ways. Tonight I miss you, counting these endless days. Staring at a broad sky, with you playing in my thoughts. And as it changes its dye, still you are the one that I sought. For th... Read more

Lost The Way

poem by Julius Brian Cruz

I lost the way again, in this little world of mine. Staring at a black sky, with head on pillows for a while. Shortly daydreaming, forgetting my troublesome days. The endless haunting thoughts, the worries I never convey. Yet ... Read more

The Way I Feel: O...

poem by R.T. Aquinas

I want to be by thy side 'Til the Last Day of Eternity But I fear that I will always hide The way I truly feel And instead shy away from thee But one day, I hope to reveal: O Majestic Pearl, I want thee to be my girl... Read more


poem by Jude kyrie

Nightbloom By Jude Kyrie The welcoming perfumes of spring are thick upon this night. And we shall be friends this night and me. The dampened sweetness of a lover's hair is now in the front of my memory. Senses ove... Read more


poem by Roxanne Dubarry has a new web page site. Trying hard to access it with all of my might. Not succeeding in getting anything right. Tried resetting my password, and emailing them. Quite plainly, several times they even tried contacting... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'd love to be in a pub with you dad, enjoying a pint or two, just to sit, and ask some questions dad, and share precious time with you. I'd ask you why you left me dad? tell me why did you have to go? Didn't I mean anything to yo... Read more

Bye, Bye, Liverpo...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I Ike to close my eyes, go back in time, and right now, I'm just seven years old, playing out in Bunter road, with loads of new mates of mine. I've not long moved to Southdene, Kirkby, left forever my Auntie Marie's house in old ... Read more


poem by Valerie Russon

What is paradise? Is it money,money and more money Or could it be having a happy family life Could it be the love and kindness We share with others. What does paradise mean to you? Is it the joy that you share with others a... Read more


poem by Ja Ja

If, telling the truth Will never hurt Then, why do we To lying revert WIZDUMBs BY JA 211 Read more