Browse by weird all

Long Sleep Celest...

poem by john ormerod

Long Sleep Celestial Misty garden night time hail My life blowing through cup of sail Bulge bellow fellow storm Lying forever together be the norm. Grave yard full carpet moss Above they are the boss But below hearts on... Read more

suddenly lonely

poem by eric marshall

Here i set all broken hearted. Chillin' wit friends, and I just farted On the back of my head, the hair just parted. At first they just laughed, but not for long. As slowly they realized that this one was strong. And the air star... Read more

Pitch - Apples

poem by Crystal Ashton

A Pitcher of Apples, A Pitcher of Apples that's what I got! A pitcher of apples Thrown at me, I got! A pitcher of apples That's what I got! Read more

I Am The e

poem by Crystal Ashton

I AM THE- E ART I Am the- e art I AM THE-e Latitude measure by your fatigue. I AM THE-e art of gratitude, after going to schnitzel I AM THE-E art with passio... Read more


poem by Crystal Ashton

E-People E-People are the new host. Not the immigrants Seen by most. It's the E-People who now roam the land, by means of air and flat-screen of sand. Read more

Too Old?

poem by Elizabeth Wallace

I've always felt too old Too old to play with dolls (too young to do homework) Too old to go to bed at 8 0 clock (Too young to sleep with the light off) Too old to fear the dangers inside (Too young to fear the dangers outside) To... Read more


story by Kenvil Atkins

REDEMPTION STORY DONALD FURY UNTOLD Infilidety sixty million could not be wrong! A business tycoon with power! and wealth is Donald Trump. His yellow hair, and rugged looks, were quite a catchy crunch. Potluck Donald! looking ... Read more

Question of belie...

poem by Edgar Bummer

Is there really a holy spirit, or do I just need something to believe in? May the Lord protect my body and soul; I fear I'm getting old. As my skim wrinkles, I start to question the Lord's miracles. Prayers sun up to sun down... Read more


poem by GiGi Granty

She gives it away Trusting that it will be held tightly, cherished, and protected But the more she gives the more they step away They take it, leave it on the ground, and walk away Sometimes they come back for it, but by then it... Read more

I Fell Into the D...

story by Polo Jamoralin

Since the dawn of my memory, I have had anomalously vivid dreams. Dreams that penetrate the boundary between the world and the firmament, the depths of hell and the apex of heaven aloft. I had dreams that were so graphic to the point ... Read more

Double Dream: Dec...

story by Lucia Ocean

I watched as a girl stood trial. She was in her early twenties, with gorgeous blonde hair and deep blue eyes. I don't know what she'd been accused of, but she was sentenced to be "decoupled from the biosphere". The girl was taken to ... Read more

The Seven Witches...

story by R.T. Aquinas

They gathered in The Coven Café as they did every Sunday. They spoke in tongues indecipherable to the human ear, each sentence was punctuated by their evil cackles. The Seven discussed their plans as they sat around a table. The... Read more

Tell me what you ...

story by Koapal

I love playing the violin. - Oh my! How nice. I love playing sports with ma mates. - Oh my! How nice. And you? What do you like to do? - Me? You're asking me? Oh, ok. I love people...I mean... I love playing with people..... Read more

Trump and Hitler ...

story by Daniel Moskowitz

Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler Sat together in Ecological Science Class. Adolf always paid close attention, But Donald goofed off..... Writing love letters To the girls in class With the biggest, sexiest breasts. After class, ... Read more

The Profit of War

story by Daniel Moskowitz

I know you're fretting Over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, Jewboy, And it's kind of a shame That he got chopped up into little pieces and all, But it don't really matter! If WE don't sell them Moozelems weapons to kill each othe... Read more


story by Daniel Moskowitz

First, I fell in love, And was rejected. I started to feel afraid and alone. The toxic smoke from wildfires came, Driving me out of my mind, But the only sense of belonging I could find Was with a White Supremacists Hate Group... Read more

The Debate

story by Daniel Moskowitz

We should care about the Environment, but we need to prioritize Economic Development first. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, are the Economy and the Environment Separate Realms? ----------------... Read more

How can I see my ...

story by Ani Sesh

Four teenage friends Alex, Chris, Bessie, and Ella planned for an overnight summer camping in the Shawnee National Park. They do the camping for every summer and they were aware of the in and out of the camping area. They had set e... Read more


publication by Jay Shades

My mind wonders. Here and now ,full of excuses I see through your madness, energy levels elevate up and down. body's warm, mind is focused, Semantics twisting through regressed states of fancy. All you want, topsy turvy comes to m... Read more

The Katie Lodge S...

publication by Katie Lodge

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