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poem by Daniel Moskowitz

I’m aware of my own aging process, But everyone else is aging too. Then, Even if most of the people in my neighborhood Are younger than myself, The United States is an aging nation. Our president is really “decrepi... Read more


poem by Nemo Nemees

In the horror she looks to the sky she realizes she understands she knows; she is dying. she is slipping away faster then most. she is falling into unknown hands she knows it she feels it she fears it. She ... Read more

Strange Bedfellows

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Most recently, The "Right Wing" President of the United States, Donald Trump, Has claimed solidarity with the "Yellow-Vest Movement" in France, Many of whom identify themselves As "Left Wingers". Trump says that these protests ... Read more

Winter Solitude

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Solitude becomes agreeable. My plants provide More of my emotional needs Than people are willing to. With people, There is always a negotiation To connect with them. Though it is said That the Feminine Aspect will someday pr... Read more

Dogma and Karma

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

There is a common humorous bumper sticker.... "My karma ran over your dogma". President Trump believes in DOGMA... Not "karma". Will his dogma Triumph over humanity's collective karma? Can a dog run over a truck? Read more

Good Consumers

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Profiting from sex Is viewed as "Immoral", But profiting from Mass Murder through needless Wars Is perceived as " "Productive". Genocide must be The Right Wing strategy For addressing Global Warming. However, Masturbation ... Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

With our computers. We still have to keep all sexually explicit content In "drawers" Just as we did When we were kids And we didn't want our parents to know What we we're looking at. The proliferation of sexy images Has not ... Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

With our computers. We still have to keep all sexually explicit content In "drawers" Just as we did When we were kids And we didn't want our parents to know What we we're looking at. The proliferation of sexy images Has not ... Read more

The god of greed

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

Our Civilization Is little more than a veneer. Sure, We don't yet escort young women to the Public Square As the Aztecs did To cut out their hearts And offer their remains To the gods. There would be a Feminist backlash! Howe... Read more

The Map

poem by Daniel Moskowitz

We have difficulty Putting environmental issues On the "political map" Because we don't realize that we're actually SITTING On the only real "map"..... The Earth itself. Read more


poem by Daniel Moskowitz

2018 Was primarily a year During which Humanity Fought over the scraps, And these scraps Are becoming increasingly meager Due to Climate Change. Many people Think Donald Trump is a good President 'Cause he's trying to mak... Read more

The Voice of Solu...

poem by Mathew Mcgill

Isolation is my space Safe, in my own speculations. -Close but distant entity speaks within- “Invitation for whom? Nope, Denied!” The words repeated itself using my lips. I wanted to connec... Read more

Losing My Mind

poem by Misti D Lovelace

Life is never what it seems Normal is only in your dreams Happy was long ago, back when I didn't know Ignorance is bliss It is something that I miss I have something that will not let go. I have known it all along I grew up w... Read more

Save me 3's

poem by Jay Shades

I said rack it up Pull it out the bag Can never find a card to break it down Eventually Sensibly I spell out my name with the white stuff that goes straight to your brain Motherfucker am high deliveries till 11 depending... Read more

Letting Go

poem by Dakota Iris

Letting go. Hands down one of the most difficult things to do. Letting go is like choosing to release the float in the depths of the ocean with hopes of the afterlife being better. Letting go is the knot in your stomach that mak... Read more


poem by Kayleigh Blower

How can you love what was never loved. How can you love what was never given to be loved. How can you love what was never found. How can you love what was never lived. How can you love what was never protected. How can you love ... Read more


poem by BNM

I was surprised when we came together, that's unexpected, I was surprised finally someone to go along, that's unexpected, We'll build such a rapport in such short time, that's unexpected, We kicked all asses top to bottom, left to ... Read more

2 close stitches

poem by Jay Shades

Ooh lahh lahh lahh leaves fall , wind blows them to the roadside. Deep on the codeside Talking to the opps that's your side Slipside warm hide Duck and dive I can't hide what am feeling inside. Pineal gland is glowing not rea... Read more


poem by Misti D Lovelace

Should I let go, or just a little longer hold on? I feel so lost, and all alone! Nothing ever seems to go well. Something always seems to be wrong! I try to laugh and just Keep moving! I anxiously wait for someone To come along ... Read more

The Final Strand

poem by Michael Zayas

Reminiscing of the pain and sorrow I find, While conveying their meanings upon the written line. But this paper is tired of recording my teachings Realizing there's no audience these words are reaching. So I write and scribble ... Read more