Dreams Do Come True

lyrics by: Cassie Wagmeister
Written on Mar 19, 2013

Once upon a time, we were sittin by the bay. As we stood and laughed and sang on this very special day. The loving couple met just a couple months ago. She was writing in her notebook, he came up and said hello. Then there came the first date and everything had changed. Now they're standin here to say.... 

Dreams.... do come true.... I can't see myself with, anyone but you. And when.... you hold me in your arms, I let my gaurd down, cuz it's just, you and be and stars. And ohh, you better believe it's true... Dreams.... do come true....

Now we're gathered here today, to celebrate their love. We all know, we all know now. It came from heaven and the stars above. Then we let go the white burds, listened closely as they spoke their promising words. And vowed to be forever...

Dreams.... do come true.... I can't see myself with, anyone but you. And when.... you hold be in your arms, I let my gaurd down, cuz it's just, you and me and stars. And ohh, you better believe it's true... Dreams.... do come true....

(Softly) And everyone is tellin me, they only wish that I could see their love. But they should know that I wish I could be her. I wish all my dreams could come true....

Dreams.... do come true.... I can't see myself with, anyone but you!!! And when you hold me in your arms, I let my gaurd down!!! Cuz you know, you know it's just you and me and stars!!! And ohh, I only wish I knew!!! Dreams... do come true.


Tags: happy, love, rhyme,

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Candy Flash commented:
A great love story always warms the heart..LOVE IT..


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