I wish I was white...

lyrics by: Brandon Potts
Written on Dec 06, 2016

It's crazy when were babies we don't even know who we are, but as native children some are spoiled or some are left emotionally mentally physically scarred, dads at the bar moms outside crying in her car, were inside our room looking at the stars, being eaten by the dark, step dad making you starve, he's carved pain on your heart! lurks around the house like a hungry shark, waiting to devour your cries, tells your mom lies, she may sleep next to you but she's mine, getting beat till your almost nine, your so angry but you walk around like everything is fine, you go to school and your white kids make fun of you cause you don't dress cool, you want to raise your voice but your mom taught you not to be rude, everyday you wake up in a bad mood, on the weekends you cry in your room, you ask yourself why you have to go through this shit, if I had one wish, I'd wish I was white, maybe then i'd have a perfect life be spoiled grow up and find the perfect wife, call the folks when you need a dime, get set free quickly when you commit a crime, be a racist and not get time, get given jobs to live the white life, but then reality sets in and you get angry and you get mad at your parents and scream at them I wish you never made me! Dad Dad where are you? can you buy me new shoes? so i can look cool as the crew, mom can you get me new threads, can you float me some bread, so i can buy drugs skip school to hang with the thugs, maybe go shoot off some guns, hook up with girls just for fun, its fun and games till some one falls in love, it's a fcuked up life but you like it and you can't get enough, getting drunk 24/7, crying over dead ones that are in heaven, then you think back, going way back to your past, you start missing your alcoholic dad, and your selfish mom, like shit where did it all go wrong, man some days I wish I was white I didn't ask for this life, wheres the rope wheres the knife wheres death with his scythe... but deep inside your soul your hanging onto a piece of faith you cant let go, it always says yes never no, time to walk down the red road, no red lights lets go...


Tags: sad, anger, deep, pain, dark,

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Brandon Potts commented:
Sorry for my grammar errors and punctuation errors, I was going through a lot when I was typing this up.
Frank Hornby . commented on May 17, 2018 at 11:26am
Wow!....Brandon...just stumbled onto this brilliant poem.....why should you want to be white?....just be proud of who you are....I coul really feel your anger....but I could feel your sadness also........I had an anger when I was a kid.....my real dad fucked off to the other side of the world ...rather than want me....I hated my step dads guts!......and beat the shit out of him when I was 16yrs old.....for being cruel to my mum.....he never hurt her again.....your words touched my soul......never give up man.....✌🏻


More by Brandon Potts

I wish I was whit...

lyrics by Brandon Potts

It's crazy when were babies we don't even know who we are, but as native children some are spoiled or some are left emotionally mentally physically scarred, dads at the bar moms outside crying in her car, were inside our room looking ... Read more