Misc Lyrics

lyrics by: Adam Dye
Written on Jan 12, 2017

I still haven't found what I'm looking for 
A misplaced item in a cupboard draw 
It's evaded me since I was a child 
Utility bills in an a4 box file 
She told me I must delete cache 
Or check if it's been put in trash 
Maybe it needs a good defrag
As he sat and lit a fag

A police investigation if you must 
From 50 blokes we can't trust 

He's got ram in his pockets and a cross head screw driver he wants to fix his mind 
He knows he's got to give way at the next crossroads but the eyes in the back of his head can't see behind 

He threw her off the balcony she stabbed a knife through his his heart and that was just the start 


Tags: rhyme, inspirational, confused, dark,


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