When I first enter my heavenly promise land. Jesus Christ will be awaiting my arrival there. He will have so much to share with me; about he cared about a former lost soul, such as me. When I first enter my heavenly promise land. Jesus Christ will be willingly to escort me into my brand new heavenly home. Just right over the hill top. I welcome my redeemed family and friends. When I first enter into my heavenly promise land. The heavenly angels will be willingly escorting me on my heavenly journey. As we travel upwards, we will be able to see the bright sparkling stars. And travel far beyond either Venus or Mars. When I first enter my heavenly promise land. We will be continuing our heavenly journey beyond the moon, sun, and stars. The angels will be willingly displaying to me. All the wonders of God's creations! When I first enter my heavenly promise land. My friends and family will be willingly to escort me there because they care. They will be awaiting my arrival there. All because of the Son of God and Son of Man. Love in Christ Jesus! Roxanne Lea Dubarry Roxy Lea 1954 Roxy 1954/ October Country January 20,2020