Take time

lyrics by: John Doe
Written on Oct 09, 2020

sometimes its all fucked up 
so please baby shut up
I know what you're thinking 
Cause we're both sinking

It'll take some time 
But you're not mine
and im not yours 
so take my flaws
and know for sures
we'll left for the empty world
all bottled and curled 
up inside this crazy shitty phase 
like dying flowers inside this vase

hold me up while your gone 
Like the sun shining at dawn
you're tears run down your face 
are drying my fears without a trace

It'll take some time 
But you're not mine
and im not yours 
so take my flaws
and know for sures
we'll left for the empty world
all bottled and curled 
up inside this crazy shitty phase 
like dying flowers inside this vase

The light on the road
barely lights the way 
While i feel it going abroad 
but please baby stay 
please baby stay 

It'll take some time 
But you're not mine
and im not yours 
so take my flaws
and know for sures
we'll left for the empty world
all bottled and curled 
up inside this crazy shitty phase 
like dying flowers inside this vase




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