
poem by: AiR - Atman in Ravi
Written on Mar 02, 2023

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
Do you have Faith in God?
Do you Love the Lord?
Do you go to a Temple or a Church? 
It is time to change your search!

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
God is not somebody with a name and form
God can never die, God is never born
If you truly love God and God you want to find 
Then first you have to transcend your Rascal Mind

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
The way to God-Realization is through Self-Realization 
To realize we are not the body, ego or mind
When we realize we are the Divine Soul
Then, within our heart, God we will find

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
If you are seeking God, start a quest
It's time to put every belief to test
Then you will realize, God is not God, God is SIP The Supreme Immortal Power, then you will grip

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
God is everywhere, God is in everything There is nothing, nowhere, where God is not God is a Power, in you and me
But this Divine truth, we forgot!

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
When we realize the truth, I am not 'I'
I am the Soul, the Power, that's in the sky
God is the Power that makes every heart, beat 
Without SIP, nobody can walk down the street

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
Adi Shankara said, 'Shivoham Shivoham' 'I am Shiva', is that what he said?
No! I am nothing, Shiva is everything
By Shivoham, that is what he meant

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
Because we have grown up with lies, we are fools
We just believe everything that we were taught in schools 
We never questioned, 'Who, where, what is God?'
We will live and die, not realizing our Lord

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
If we chant Shivoham, we will soon be free
We will realize we are not the Mind and Ego, ME 
When we seek God and our love for God makes us yearn 
Then, God is within, we will realize, we will learn

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
Not everybody is fortunate to realize God
Not everybody can become one with the Lord
But those who are enlightened, get Liberation
And ultimately, with the Divine, there is Unification

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
When we realize this body is nothing, it will die 
Who are we that depart into the sky?
We are that Power of Life, we are the Soul 
When we realize this, we achieve our life Goal

Shivoham Shivoham 
May you realize God within! 
I am not ‘I’, I am the Soul
Therefore, I am nothing, but the Power of SIP 
SIP is in me, SIP is in you 
We are all SIP, this is true

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within
This is the purpose of life on earth
Why did we get this human birth?
To realize, we are not the body, we are God
This will liberate us and make us one with the Lord

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
We may say Shiva or God or SIP
God is one, this truth we must grip
God is SIP, SIP is in one and all
Through Shivoham, we will realize and recall

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
As long as we live in ignorance, we will cry 
We will believe in God, but soon we will die 
But, to realize God, we must go within
For SIP resides beneath the bone and the skin


Tags: Happy, Love, Inspirational, Encouraging, Hope, Deep,


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