If a TREE FALLS, do you HEAR IT??? You just might, if YOU ARE NEAR, There's no way, only if you are CLOSE, Like water it's Just CRYSTAL CLEAR. If you could have a SUPERPOWER, What would your SUPERPOWER BE??? If you ask me, I would say: I would choose INVISIBILITY!!! So, tell me are you a MORNING BIRD??, or a NIGHT OWL only by NIGHT??, Would you prefer to SLEEP IN LATE???, or RISE UP at the CRACK OF SUNLIGHT??? So, do you WRITE with your LEFT HAND, or do you WRITE with your RIGHT??? or MAYBE you're AMBIDEXTROUS and that would be QUITE A SIGHT!!!! So, are you considered OUTDOORSY or INDOORSY ALL OF THE TIME??? INTROVERTS and EXTROVERTS are DIFFERENT, and to me I feel THAT IS FINE. Would you choose TO GO OUT TO DINNER or a nice QUIET MEAL at HOME?? To have a SPREAD of FOOD with FAMILY, or A SMALL MEAL, just YOU ALL ALONE???? I have so many QUESTIONS, and I do mean, I have A WHOLE LOT, So many Do COME TO MY MIND, These are just my SEEDS OF THOUGHTS!!!! B.R. Date: 5/12/2024