poem by: Kenvil Atkins
Written on Jul 21, 2024

It’s a question of can he win why not? he is still alive
Like frightful children of the night, they sort to divide
Low esteem and backward thinking, who put them in charge
Making a chair fit for Elephant and Company,  American’s beware
Cry havoc and let loose the dogs, get rid of  those cowardly thugs 
Prophets of gloom and doom, dropping out of the woodwork like bugs
Let them go who needs them they have shown their true rat  color
Yellow bellies deserters, not men of character failures at best
Paving the way for the elephant to stomp, what  a hearty bunch of losers
Like rats bailing out on a sinking ship, no thank you all no do-gooders
It is not a question of faith in their leader, for what plan have they got
Running amock their heads between their tails, wailing and bailing
Oh what a mess you know the rest, democrats on the run failing
Giving up without a fight and bailing out in broad daylight that’s no joke
You got Gritz oh man of courage, yes, my vote is yours keep  walking  tall 

Into The Mist Poetry Vol 9 
Kenvil Atkins Lewis for Timeless Poetry / Raw Energy


Tags: Sad, Anger, Depressing, Encouraging, Pain, Hope,


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