poem by: Kenvil Atkins
Written on Sep 16, 2024

In the middle stands a champion! Donald is his name.
Says to America? he can take them to fortune and fame.
America is going backward! There is only Biden to blame.
The economy is a wreck, inflation is rampant that’s no game.
Trump will fix this on day one! He has the remedy to be tame.
Morality is improbability! Taking a back seat, to incomprehensibility.
Making America Great Again! is his calling card man just the same.
The debate bruised his ego, yet Trump did not go down the drain.
Do the Majority want him? and are still not prepared, for a woman boss.
Verse Two:
History or no history! Some say, there is more at stake in this river for us. 
Let's face it America! You don’t want Donald to go? Yep, Poor old Joe.
Holding back your vote, undecided! Let's be frank, it’s no way to go.
Trump, it’s a No! But that isn't So! Just look at him and you will know.
His steady incline in the pool, also shows his popularity is good to go.
Most gaily matching to his tune! Everyone knows that Trump has no alter ego.
Love him or hate him! No difference here, still holds steadfast to his defense.
And Making America Great Again! is a slogan he believes he could win.
Yet the masses have no idea! For they rather he win, instead of a woman king.
This poem has no glory! For Trump it’s the same old story, envisioning him in glory.

Into The Mist Poetry Vol. 9 The Day Trump WIN
Kenvil Atkins Lewis poet for Timeless Poetry and Short Stories.


Tags: Metaphor, Abstract, Deep,


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