poem by: Kenvil Atkins
Written on Oct 14, 2024

You are not just whistling dixies partner! Logically Donald is the boss.
Why make a fuss? you know he is definitely  for us, so in Trump we trust
Riding tall in the saddle! People marvel at paving a way onto Route South.
A warrior of sorts! Flying upon Old Glory, Liberty also stands to attention.
Donald Trump's quietly riding out a perfect storm, of pride and prejudice.
Like an Eagle in flight, some wish him out! Others can't stand the man.
His vision merits his mission! If making America Great, simplifies his fight.
Donald is not the enemy of this Nation! Known all across the wide ocean.
A sensational character! Quite unconventional, think was he born to fire.
He fulfilled his promises! None can derail his prosperous, locomotive moves. 
A champion like Iron Man will do, no goody two shoes, only compound hidden facts. 
Too many rats and mice loose in the Whitehouse! Throwing temper tendron darts.
It's nearing the end are you still uncertain or vain? When there is so much to be gained. 
For women's lib enter a tigress! Clapping Walrus ruling the Nation with laughter insane.  

Into The Mist poetry Volume 9. Whistle Dixy. The day Trump became president.
Kenvil Atkins Lewis poet for Timeless Poetry and Short Stories.


Tags: Beat, Imagery, Abstract, Deep,



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