Sometimes I search for myself within my room like a lost object I discover only parts of me that I had discarded Not picking them up because they may be pieces of myself that are no longer wanted You know, those irretrievables Though I am not sure because in the nuance of the light Each part of myself looks the same from a distance So I must be cautious not to pick up an unwanted piece Already I have picked up already I have picked up The part of me that was repetitious, was repetitious But I, but I let it drop, let it drop quickly Quickly before I had to repeat too much So you see how difficult it can be for me I’m careful not to pick up the melancholy or morose part of me If I do I will begin to contemplate suicide Or will transform into a manic depressant that I am not Also I don’t want to pick up the insecure side that I threw away sometime ago It only opens up my bad habits and urges that will keep me fooling myself You know, those irretrievables Ahh! Sh_ _ _! What is this ? Oh sh_ _ _! Son of a b_ _ _ _ _! Mo’ Fu_ _! Cabron hijo de tu chin_ _ _ _ madre! Sorry. I just picked up an angry piece of myself but I let go of it pronto I think I shall stop looking for myself for awhile or I may discover a piece of me that I have discarded and will be very hard to let go of again