I'm take care of mom and dad, and try to keep things right. I think I am considerate of others , always use my manners and try to be polite. I run errands, for my sweet and darling white haired mother and many things I help her with, oh , you know, I so love her. I spend much time up and down the road, and in the laundry room starting up another load. I try to spend time with my kids and their problems I will heed and if they want me to, I will help them with their needs. Then there is my grand I love to hold that little hand. and answer questions of life and help her understand. Oh I love doing things for my family but their is a time once in a while, a time for me, I need a friend or a little alone time now and then. Not being selfish or greedy or needy as such just once in a while, some me time, I sure don't get that much. Just once in a while, talk to a friend, someone whos supports me with whom, I can depend Just a little conversation, so I don't break, some times I need some me time for sometimes I feel life's more than I can take. Maybe my me time is just being in my pajamas one day or hanging out in my studio, while the world blurs away. Maybe my me time, isn't just being away so rude, maybe it is a movie day with a friend and comfort food. I will still long to be helpful, and caring, that's expected and will be ah, but every now and then, I need some time for me.